Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Genre : Fantasy ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Epic ,Young Adult ,Fiction ,Fantasy

“If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. In RISE OF THE DRAGONS Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of trolls and dragons, of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

The #1 Bestseller!

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: RISE OF THE DRAGONS (KINGS AND SORCERERS—Book 1).

Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is.

Just as Kyra is coming of age, the local lord comes to take her away. Her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she quests on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever.

15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the paranormal source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping, romantic saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, action, adventure, destiny, sorcery, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Book #2 in KINGS AND SORCERERS is also now available!

“RISE OF THE DRAGONS succeeds—right from the start…. A superior fantasy…It begins, as it should, with one protagonist's struggles and moves neatly into a wider circle of knights, dragons, magic and monsters, and destiny.…All the trappings of high fantasy are here, from soldiers and battles to confrontations with self….A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.”
--Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer



Excellent story!

I found once I started reading I couldn’t stop and if I did I couldn’t wait to read more.


A must read

Riveting from the very beginning. A must read.



I love it, couldn’t stop reading and now I am reading second one.


Worth the read a good book.

Good book. Have been looking for a good read for a while and am happy to say I have found one.


Good until...

I was enjoying this until it devolved into moralistic preaching.


Rise of the dragons. Morgan Rice

Good story but poorly executed. This book dreams of a good editor.


Annoyed to Amazed!!!

I the time that I was reading this book I was grounded. My mother said that I had to read a book and write a whole book report on it. I was looking through the free books and I saw the title and image of the book and I was interested. I picked this book and with an attitude I told my mom that I picked a book, she said “you better get to reading”. I was so mad but once I finished the first chapter I was glued to the book I had to finish it I told my self I was going to stop reading but I just kept on wanting to find out what happened next. This book was so interesting and I loved it. If you like fantasy then this is the book for you. The only problem I think is that the book was mainly about the girl and the dragons connection but that scene in the book didn’t come up until the very end. That’s not enough to put a star down though that’s how good this story is!!!


Good story idea, poorly written

The story line is interesting, however, there are so many typos and errors that distract readers. Not including who/what the heroine is was a mistake, just a ploy to sell the next book. Sorry, not going there.

One French Woman

Rise of the Dragons

A strong girl with plenty warrior valor. I can’t wait to read the second installment of Mr. Price’s series. It is the first book I read from this author and absolutely not the last. Freedom is worth dying for! I have dozens of similar stories about dragons and heroes, but the characters in this one are all memorable and worth knowing intimately.


Rise of the Dragons Book 1

Great book


Rise of Dragons

Good plot and character development. Very bad grammar and too repetitive with the use of same phrases over and over “for the first time” “heart slammed in chest” etc...



This was a fun story.


So bad...

Maybe someone should let George RR know that this hack completely ripped off his books. Rice’s writing may be the worst I’ve ever read. It’s like all Rice’s books were written by a high school student. The grammar and spelling are atrocious. The writing is painfully repetitive. No surprise that none were ever published on paper. How one author can keep pumping out so much garbage is mind blowing.


Rise of the dragons

Good fantasy story telling with page turning action and great characters

great great grandma





I haven’t read a fantasy novel in a long, long time. I read this in a DAY. Less than a day, really. In 10 hours. I’m in love with it. Some of the writing isn’t the best, but the storyline itself is AMAZING


Slow and rocky start but good ending

So not a fan of the repetitive language used or the statements made several times. You don’t need to explain the wall of fire keeping the trolls out four times. Also a little confusing at first when the POV changed. Was slow to pick up and most of the book didn’t have much progress which was disappointing. The plot is quite interesting though. And I do want to know what happens next so it is worth the read as far as that goes. Though I’m still trying to find out the writers justification for Leo as it feels like an easy out to protect the main character and her brother. All in all I am pretty neutral about this book so will be picking up the next in the series if only to find out what happens.


A good book

I liked this book. It was dramatic and building until the end. Only at the end it wasn’t entirely done; it’s set the beginning of the next book. I guess that’s a smart way to sell books.

Jaey Lazarus

Absolutely AMAZING!

Absolutely 5 stats on this, Morgan has outdone himself.


Good book, but SO poorly written and/or edited

I enjoyed the book, but there were so many writing errors; sometimes page after page. Seriously, I’m an avid reader. I was done with this book in less than one Sunday, but would’ve likely been through at least half of another of equal length if it weren’t for all absurd errors. That ought to tell you something. Still, I’d recommend it as a good book (& that the author have someone else proof their work).


Rise of the dragon

The most interesting book I’ve ever read and it makes me feel good in side when I read these books there awsome for kids that believe in fairy tails and I really wonder what the author was thinking when he rote this book👦🏿


Brilliant I finished in just two days

I am a stickler for fantasy and this book delivered. Heart pounding, page scrolling masterpiece. I finished the book after only two nights of reading. It ended in a way I bought the second and third book bundle immediately. A must read for anyone craving to get lost in a world of brave characters facing chaos.


Exciting read

Good story, quick read. It is full up with the cliches’ of the genre, but still has a great feel of adventure to it. Part of the female empowerment movement but still a solidly written, though poorly edited, piece. So yeah I recommend this book. Good way to kill 5 or 8 hours.


Average at best is about what to expect.

This book is ok. That’s about it. I was shocked to see this from an author that has published other books. I realize now it’s a book for young adults. Apparently that means don’t bother editing the book. I mean there are several hundred grammatical errors, mostly tense and conjugation problems. There are also a lot of errors where you can see they rewrote parts but didn’t take enough care to reread it once to find extra words and the like. It’s pretty obvious that the author never read their work through even once after scribing it. The book has no editor. If someone was paid for that job they are incompetent or criminally lazy. If you read past all that the story is just empty. Not much character development. Not much great to say about it at all. I’d say if you are over 10 years old don’t bother. If your kids are under 10, don’t let them try to learn English from this. Buy a book from someone who cares st least a little.


Best book I’ve read!

This is by far the best book I’ve read! I’ve been so immersed into it that I finished it in 3 days! Though I do have school so I read when I can. I thought the character development was very nicely laid out. I don’t know what else to say except that if you like dragons and war you’re going to love this book! Believe me, when I say it’s an awesome book that I couldn’t put down my phone! I’ve already bought the second book and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Nunn Nasty

Great fantasy book!

I have not read a book in years but finally decided to get back into it. Best book I’ve ever read. If you love the game of thrones genre then you will love this book.


Must have more!

I love the ancient world and dragons. This one has it all adventure, battles, even some mystery. A page turner!


Characters developed but plot, details flawed

This series (you can't really read just one book since they cut off in odd places) has well-developed characters, but a lot of the storytelling is flawed and takes me out of the story: the dialogue does not read like natural speech, the author knows even less about tactics and weapons than me (even I know crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, as just one example), and there are inconsistencies in the story that appear to be a lack of attention to detail. For example, in the second book, several characters prepare to travel to a remote city. After riding on horseback for hours into the night in a forest (after their torched have burned out), they are hungry but have run out of food. I don't know about you, but in a forest at night there is not enough light for me to ride on horseback. I would also know to pack more than half a day's worth of food for a multi-day trip. It is like this all the time. If inconsistencies like that don't bother you, this might just be the book you're looking for. Otherwise...


Rise of the Dragons

This was my first book but it is the start of a new love affair! On to book #2 thank you very much.


Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice

This book was fairly well written. Each character developed nicely, which makes for an easy read. Morgan developed a gradual build to a nice climax leaving me wanting more. I will be reading the next book shortly.

Deya Slade

Not a Good Read!

Please choose something else! This series is poorly written and in need of a good editor.


Rise of the dragons

I love fantasy. It is one of my favorite genres. The protagonist in this story is female and only sixteen. She strives to become a warrior in a time when only men were warriors. However, her father was the leader of the men who fought and they (all but one) seemed to take time to teach her their ways. She is fearless and finds that there are many unknowns in her life.



Can not wait to start the next book in the series,.

Susie Sagebrush

Starts well enough, then fades

The story starts interestingly enough, in spite of the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of flame walls and trolls and so on, but all the characters are made of cardboard, not flesh and blood. Physical impossibilities abound, such as running in knee-deep snow. It cannot be done! If you are in thigh-deep snow, you do not have to look down to discover this fact...your legs tell you! After about a third of the book I began to wonder if it would ever get anywhere with its alleged plot. At the end I realized it was really just a soap-opera in book form...always exciting, but utterly pointless in the long run.


The best book I have ever read!!!!

Omg I love this book so much it reminds me of myself sometimes definitely a five star book

Opal Damour

Couldn’t get past excessive commas...

I am an avid reader, I devour books, and i love the sci-fi and fantasy genre. But I couldn't get past the first few pages of this book. Im not sure if its poor editing or the author’s writing style, but every sentence seemed to have 2 to 3 commas in it. Most of them were completely unnecessary. It is totally distracting, and ruined the flow of the book. Despite being enthused that the main character seemed to be a strong woman (which I love), I gave up after the first few pages due to the offending punctuation use. Harsh, I know. But there is is.


Good story, Hard to look past grammar

I’m not typically a “grammar nazi”but this book had so many errors that I found it hard to read. The story has a good foundation and I enjoyed the character development.


Rise of the dragons

A well crafted world peopled by characters you long to know. Villains abound on both sides of the conflict setting up a wonderful complex world. A great read.

Tyler A. May

Already Loving It

I just started reading this book and I already love it, my friend would really like this book too!


Rise of the dragon

Story line was good but you need an editor other than the computer. That and filling in and revising some thin spots would make it great.


I found it worth buying the 2nd & 3rd

The story is interesting and well-told. It took a little while to become used to the sometimes abrupt changes from one character to another, but not that long. The several storylines do not mesh as of the end of book 1, but it looks like they can later in the series. The story is much better put together than the ebook. There are multiple places where words or phrases are missing or duplicated; that interrupts the story and detracts from the experience. Formatting of the text layout is iffy. Sometimes viewing in portrait mode makes the words difficult to distinguish, often simply due to how the text is placed on the screen. Changing to landscape seems to correct this, and I doubt it is an issue in print, but (again) trying to figure out word order interrupts the enjoyment of the story. The problems dealing with ebook format an layout cost a full point in my review.


Great story!!

Great book, except a couple of grammatical errors such as using the wrong personal pronouns, or forgetting about a character. Otherwise, I loved Kyra's character, loved the story, and loved the world of Escalon. I'll definately be reading the next books in this series.


Rise of the Dragons

Enjoyed my first book from this author... Fast read... Loved the characters.... Looking forward to Book2....


It was amazing

They should make actual paper copy books of his books because they are so good

Kamal b

Thoroughly enjoyed!

This book was fun and adventurous. A few corny scenes which almost made me stop; glad I didn't! Torn now between continuing the series or moving on to my fav author, terry goodkind.


great and amazing

I can't put it down and you just want to know what happens next in the book. Amazing book, Morgan



Very good book. A lot of errors


This is awful.

I assume this is meant for a much younger audience. I'd put the reading level at about 4th or 5th grade. One of the lines in this book (paraphrased): It was hot down here. Not just from all the sweating workers, but because of the streaks of lava criss-crossing the floor. One of the players was supposed to be striding across said floor at the time. Not in a hurry, either--just a leisurely stroll across the lava floor. It's been this awful since the beginning. I just kept hoping it would get better. It's gotten worse, if anything. Terrible, terrible writing. Awful. Barf.


Rise of the Dragons

Too predictable, like it was rushed and cut to sell the sequels. It reads like the first chapters of a book

Review Reviewer

Kings and Sorcerers - Rise of the Dragon

This book is okay. The online version is full of typographical errors which is distracting. It's also reminiscent of so many of this genre - it's very predictable. Even having said that, it was okay. However, I would not pay to read the rest of the series.

Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Genre : Fantasy ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Epic ,Young Adult ,Fiction ,Fantasy

“If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. In RISE OF THE DRAGONS Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of trolls and dragons, of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

The #1 Bestseller!

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: RISE OF THE DRAGONS (KINGS AND SORCERERS—Book 1).

Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is.

Just as Kyra is coming of age, the local lord comes to take her away. Her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she quests on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever.

15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the paranormal source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping, romantic saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, action, adventure, destiny, sorcery, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Book #2 in KINGS AND SORCERERS is also now available!

“RISE OF THE DRAGONS succeeds—right from the start…. A superior fantasy…It begins, as it should, with one protagonist's struggles and moves neatly into a wider circle of knights, dragons, magic and monsters, and destiny.…All the trappings of high fantasy are here, from soldiers and battles to confrontations with self….A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.”
--Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer



Excellent story!

I found once I started reading I couldn’t stop and if I did I couldn’t wait to read more.


A must read

Riveting from the very beginning. A must read.



I love it, couldn’t stop reading and now I am reading second one.


Worth the read a good book.

Good book. Have been looking for a good read for a while and am happy to say I have found one.


Good until...

I was enjoying this until it devolved into moralistic preaching.


Rise of the dragons. Morgan Rice

Good story but poorly executed. This book dreams of a good editor.


Annoyed to Amazed!!!

I the time that I was reading this book I was grounded. My mother said that I had to read a book and write a whole book report on it. I was looking through the free books and I saw the title and image of the book and I was interested. I picked this book and with an attitude I told my mom that I picked a book, she said “you better get to reading”. I was so mad but once I finished the first chapter I was glued to the book I had to finish it I told my self I was going to stop reading but I just kept on wanting to find out what happened next. This book was so interesting and I loved it. If you like fantasy then this is the book for you. The only problem I think is that the book was mainly about the girl and the dragons connection but that scene in the book didn’t come up until the very end. That’s not enough to put a star down though that’s how good this story is!!!


Good story idea, poorly written

The story line is interesting, however, there are so many typos and errors that distract readers. Not including who/what the heroine is was a mistake, just a ploy to sell the next book. Sorry, not going there.

One French Woman

Rise of the Dragons

A strong girl with plenty warrior valor. I can’t wait to read the second installment of Mr. Price’s series. It is the first book I read from this author and absolutely not the last. Freedom is worth dying for! I have dozens of similar stories about dragons and heroes, but the characters in this one are all memorable and worth knowing intimately.


Rise of the Dragons Book 1

Great book


Rise of Dragons

Good plot and character development. Very bad grammar and too repetitive with the use of same phrases over and over “for the first time” “heart slammed in chest” etc...



This was a fun story.


So bad...

Maybe someone should let George RR know that this hack completely ripped off his books. Rice’s writing may be the worst I’ve ever read. It’s like all Rice’s books were written by a high school student. The grammar and spelling are atrocious. The writing is painfully repetitive. No surprise that none were ever published on paper. How one author can keep pumping out so much garbage is mind blowing.


Rise of the dragons

Good fantasy story telling with page turning action and great characters

great great grandma





I haven’t read a fantasy novel in a long, long time. I read this in a DAY. Less than a day, really. In 10 hours. I’m in love with it. Some of the writing isn’t the best, but the storyline itself is AMAZING


Slow and rocky start but good ending

So not a fan of the repetitive language used or the statements made several times. You don’t need to explain the wall of fire keeping the trolls out four times. Also a little confusing at first when the POV changed. Was slow to pick up and most of the book didn’t have much progress which was disappointing. The plot is quite interesting though. And I do want to know what happens next so it is worth the read as far as that goes. Though I’m still trying to find out the writers justification for Leo as it feels like an easy out to protect the main character and her brother. All in all I am pretty neutral about this book so will be picking up the next in the series if only to find out what happens.


A good book

I liked this book. It was dramatic and building until the end. Only at the end it wasn’t entirely done; it’s set the beginning of the next book. I guess that’s a smart way to sell books.

Jaey Lazarus

Absolutely AMAZING!

Absolutely 5 stats on this, Morgan has outdone himself.


Good book, but SO poorly written and/or edited

I enjoyed the book, but there were so many writing errors; sometimes page after page. Seriously, I’m an avid reader. I was done with this book in less than one Sunday, but would’ve likely been through at least half of another of equal length if it weren’t for all absurd errors. That ought to tell you something. Still, I’d recommend it as a good book (& that the author have someone else proof their work).


Rise of the dragon

The most interesting book I’ve ever read and it makes me feel good in side when I read these books there awsome for kids that believe in fairy tails and I really wonder what the author was thinking when he rote this book👦🏿


Brilliant I finished in just two days

I am a stickler for fantasy and this book delivered. Heart pounding, page scrolling masterpiece. I finished the book after only two nights of reading. It ended in a way I bought the second and third book bundle immediately. A must read for anyone craving to get lost in a world of brave characters facing chaos.


Exciting read

Good story, quick read. It is full up with the cliches’ of the genre, but still has a great feel of adventure to it. Part of the female empowerment movement but still a solidly written, though poorly edited, piece. So yeah I recommend this book. Good way to kill 5 or 8 hours.


Average at best is about what to expect.

This book is ok. That’s about it. I was shocked to see this from an author that has published other books. I realize now it’s a book for young adults. Apparently that means don’t bother editing the book. I mean there are several hundred grammatical errors, mostly tense and conjugation problems. There are also a lot of errors where you can see they rewrote parts but didn’t take enough care to reread it once to find extra words and the like. It’s pretty obvious that the author never read their work through even once after scribing it. The book has no editor. If someone was paid for that job they are incompetent or criminally lazy. If you read past all that the story is just empty. Not much character development. Not much great to say about it at all. I’d say if you are over 10 years old don’t bother. If your kids are under 10, don’t let them try to learn English from this. Buy a book from someone who cares st least a little.


Best book I’ve read!

This is by far the best book I’ve read! I’ve been so immersed into it that I finished it in 3 days! Though I do have school so I read when I can. I thought the character development was very nicely laid out. I don’t know what else to say except that if you like dragons and war you’re going to love this book! Believe me, when I say it’s an awesome book that I couldn’t put down my phone! I’ve already bought the second book and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Nunn Nasty

Great fantasy book!

I have not read a book in years but finally decided to get back into it. Best book I’ve ever read. If you love the game of thrones genre then you will love this book.


Must have more!

I love the ancient world and dragons. This one has it all adventure, battles, even some mystery. A page turner!


Characters developed but plot, details flawed

This series (you can't really read just one book since they cut off in odd places) has well-developed characters, but a lot of the storytelling is flawed and takes me out of the story: the dialogue does not read like natural speech, the author knows even less about tactics and weapons than me (even I know crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, as just one example), and there are inconsistencies in the story that appear to be a lack of attention to detail. For example, in the second book, several characters prepare to travel to a remote city. After riding on horseback for hours into the night in a forest (after their torched have burned out), they are hungry but have run out of food. I don't know about you, but in a forest at night there is not enough light for me to ride on horseback. I would also know to pack more than half a day's worth of food for a multi-day trip. It is like this all the time. If inconsistencies like that don't bother you, this might just be the book you're looking for. Otherwise...


Rise of the Dragons

This was my first book but it is the start of a new love affair! On to book #2 thank you very much.


Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice

This book was fairly well written. Each character developed nicely, which makes for an easy read. Morgan developed a gradual build to a nice climax leaving me wanting more. I will be reading the next book shortly.

Deya Slade

Not a Good Read!

Please choose something else! This series is poorly written and in need of a good editor.


Rise of the dragons

I love fantasy. It is one of my favorite genres. The protagonist in this story is female and only sixteen. She strives to become a warrior in a time when only men were warriors. However, her father was the leader of the men who fought and they (all but one) seemed to take time to teach her their ways. She is fearless and finds that there are many unknowns in her life.



Can not wait to start the next book in the series,.

Susie Sagebrush

Starts well enough, then fades

The story starts interestingly enough, in spite of the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of flame walls and trolls and so on, but all the characters are made of cardboard, not flesh and blood. Physical impossibilities abound, such as running in knee-deep snow. It cannot be done! If you are in thigh-deep snow, you do not have to look down to discover this fact...your legs tell you! After about a third of the book I began to wonder if it would ever get anywhere with its alleged plot. At the end I realized it was really just a soap-opera in book form...always exciting, but utterly pointless in the long run.


The best book I have ever read!!!!

Omg I love this book so much it reminds me of myself sometimes definitely a five star book

Opal Damour

Couldn’t get past excessive commas...

I am an avid reader, I devour books, and i love the sci-fi and fantasy genre. But I couldn't get past the first few pages of this book. Im not sure if its poor editing or the author’s writing style, but every sentence seemed to have 2 to 3 commas in it. Most of them were completely unnecessary. It is totally distracting, and ruined the flow of the book. Despite being enthused that the main character seemed to be a strong woman (which I love), I gave up after the first few pages due to the offending punctuation use. Harsh, I know. But there is is.


Good story, Hard to look past grammar

I’m not typically a “grammar nazi”but this book had so many errors that I found it hard to read. The story has a good foundation and I enjoyed the character development.


Rise of the dragons

A well crafted world peopled by characters you long to know. Villains abound on both sides of the conflict setting up a wonderful complex world. A great read.

Tyler A. May

Already Loving It

I just started reading this book and I already love it, my friend would really like this book too!


Rise of the dragon

Story line was good but you need an editor other than the computer. That and filling in and revising some thin spots would make it great.


I found it worth buying the 2nd & 3rd

The story is interesting and well-told. It took a little while to become used to the sometimes abrupt changes from one character to another, but not that long. The several storylines do not mesh as of the end of book 1, but it looks like they can later in the series. The story is much better put together than the ebook. There are multiple places where words or phrases are missing or duplicated; that interrupts the story and detracts from the experience. Formatting of the text layout is iffy. Sometimes viewing in portrait mode makes the words difficult to distinguish, often simply due to how the text is placed on the screen. Changing to landscape seems to correct this, and I doubt it is an issue in print, but (again) trying to figure out word order interrupts the enjoyment of the story. The problems dealing with ebook format an layout cost a full point in my review.


Great story!!

Great book, except a couple of grammatical errors such as using the wrong personal pronouns, or forgetting about a character. Otherwise, I loved Kyra's character, loved the story, and loved the world of Escalon. I'll definately be reading the next books in this series.


Rise of the Dragons

Enjoyed my first book from this author... Fast read... Loved the characters.... Looking forward to Book2....


It was amazing

They should make actual paper copy books of his books because they are so good

Kamal b

Thoroughly enjoyed!

This book was fun and adventurous. A few corny scenes which almost made me stop; glad I didn't! Torn now between continuing the series or moving on to my fav author, terry goodkind.


great and amazing

I can't put it down and you just want to know what happens next in the book. Amazing book, Morgan



Very good book. A lot of errors


This is awful.

I assume this is meant for a much younger audience. I'd put the reading level at about 4th or 5th grade. One of the lines in this book (paraphrased): It was hot down here. Not just from all the sweating workers, but because of the streaks of lava criss-crossing the floor. One of the players was supposed to be striding across said floor at the time. Not in a hurry, either--just a leisurely stroll across the lava floor. It's been this awful since the beginning. I just kept hoping it would get better. It's gotten worse, if anything. Terrible, terrible writing. Awful. Barf.


Rise of the Dragons

Too predictable, like it was rushed and cut to sell the sequels. It reads like the first chapters of a book

Review Reviewer

Kings and Sorcerers - Rise of the Dragon

This book is okay. The online version is full of typographical errors which is distracting. It's also reminiscent of so many of this genre - it's very predictable. Even having said that, it was okay. However, I would not pay to read the rest of the series.

Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Genre : Fantasy ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Epic ,Young Adult ,Fiction ,Fantasy

“If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. In RISE OF THE DRAGONS Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of trolls and dragons, of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

The #1 Bestseller!

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: RISE OF THE DRAGONS (KINGS AND SORCERERS—Book 1).

Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is.

Just as Kyra is coming of age, the local lord comes to take her away. Her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she quests on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever.

15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the paranormal source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping, romantic saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, action, adventure, destiny, sorcery, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Book #2 in KINGS AND SORCERERS is also now available!

“RISE OF THE DRAGONS succeeds—right from the start…. A superior fantasy…It begins, as it should, with one protagonist's struggles and moves neatly into a wider circle of knights, dragons, magic and monsters, and destiny.…All the trappings of high fantasy are here, from soldiers and battles to confrontations with self….A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.”
--Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer



Excellent story!

I found once I started reading I couldn’t stop and if I did I couldn’t wait to read more.


A must read

Riveting from the very beginning. A must read.



I love it, couldn’t stop reading and now I am reading second one.


Worth the read a good book.

Good book. Have been looking for a good read for a while and am happy to say I have found one.


Good until...

I was enjoying this until it devolved into moralistic preaching.


Rise of the dragons. Morgan Rice

Good story but poorly executed. This book dreams of a good editor.


Annoyed to Amazed!!!

I the time that I was reading this book I was grounded. My mother said that I had to read a book and write a whole book report on it. I was looking through the free books and I saw the title and image of the book and I was interested. I picked this book and with an attitude I told my mom that I picked a book, she said “you better get to reading”. I was so mad but once I finished the first chapter I was glued to the book I had to finish it I told my self I was going to stop reading but I just kept on wanting to find out what happened next. This book was so interesting and I loved it. If you like fantasy then this is the book for you. The only problem I think is that the book was mainly about the girl and the dragons connection but that scene in the book didn’t come up until the very end. That’s not enough to put a star down though that’s how good this story is!!!


Good story idea, poorly written

The story line is interesting, however, there are so many typos and errors that distract readers. Not including who/what the heroine is was a mistake, just a ploy to sell the next book. Sorry, not going there.

One French Woman

Rise of the Dragons

A strong girl with plenty warrior valor. I can’t wait to read the second installment of Mr. Price’s series. It is the first book I read from this author and absolutely not the last. Freedom is worth dying for! I have dozens of similar stories about dragons and heroes, but the characters in this one are all memorable and worth knowing intimately.


Rise of the Dragons Book 1

Great book


Rise of Dragons

Good plot and character development. Very bad grammar and too repetitive with the use of same phrases over and over “for the first time” “heart slammed in chest” etc...



This was a fun story.


So bad...

Maybe someone should let George RR know that this hack completely ripped off his books. Rice’s writing may be the worst I’ve ever read. It’s like all Rice’s books were written by a high school student. The grammar and spelling are atrocious. The writing is painfully repetitive. No surprise that none were ever published on paper. How one author can keep pumping out so much garbage is mind blowing.


Rise of the dragons

Good fantasy story telling with page turning action and great characters

great great grandma





I haven’t read a fantasy novel in a long, long time. I read this in a DAY. Less than a day, really. In 10 hours. I’m in love with it. Some of the writing isn’t the best, but the storyline itself is AMAZING


Slow and rocky start but good ending

So not a fan of the repetitive language used or the statements made several times. You don’t need to explain the wall of fire keeping the trolls out four times. Also a little confusing at first when the POV changed. Was slow to pick up and most of the book didn’t have much progress which was disappointing. The plot is quite interesting though. And I do want to know what happens next so it is worth the read as far as that goes. Though I’m still trying to find out the writers justification for Leo as it feels like an easy out to protect the main character and her brother. All in all I am pretty neutral about this book so will be picking up the next in the series if only to find out what happens.


A good book

I liked this book. It was dramatic and building until the end. Only at the end it wasn’t entirely done; it’s set the beginning of the next book. I guess that’s a smart way to sell books.

Jaey Lazarus

Absolutely AMAZING!

Absolutely 5 stats on this, Morgan has outdone himself.


Good book, but SO poorly written and/or edited

I enjoyed the book, but there were so many writing errors; sometimes page after page. Seriously, I’m an avid reader. I was done with this book in less than one Sunday, but would’ve likely been through at least half of another of equal length if it weren’t for all absurd errors. That ought to tell you something. Still, I’d recommend it as a good book (& that the author have someone else proof their work).


Rise of the dragon

The most interesting book I’ve ever read and it makes me feel good in side when I read these books there awsome for kids that believe in fairy tails and I really wonder what the author was thinking when he rote this book👦🏿


Brilliant I finished in just two days

I am a stickler for fantasy and this book delivered. Heart pounding, page scrolling masterpiece. I finished the book after only two nights of reading. It ended in a way I bought the second and third book bundle immediately. A must read for anyone craving to get lost in a world of brave characters facing chaos.


Exciting read

Good story, quick read. It is full up with the cliches’ of the genre, but still has a great feel of adventure to it. Part of the female empowerment movement but still a solidly written, though poorly edited, piece. So yeah I recommend this book. Good way to kill 5 or 8 hours.


Average at best is about what to expect.

This book is ok. That’s about it. I was shocked to see this from an author that has published other books. I realize now it’s a book for young adults. Apparently that means don’t bother editing the book. I mean there are several hundred grammatical errors, mostly tense and conjugation problems. There are also a lot of errors where you can see they rewrote parts but didn’t take enough care to reread it once to find extra words and the like. It’s pretty obvious that the author never read their work through even once after scribing it. The book has no editor. If someone was paid for that job they are incompetent or criminally lazy. If you read past all that the story is just empty. Not much character development. Not much great to say about it at all. I’d say if you are over 10 years old don’t bother. If your kids are under 10, don’t let them try to learn English from this. Buy a book from someone who cares st least a little.


Best book I’ve read!

This is by far the best book I’ve read! I’ve been so immersed into it that I finished it in 3 days! Though I do have school so I read when I can. I thought the character development was very nicely laid out. I don’t know what else to say except that if you like dragons and war you’re going to love this book! Believe me, when I say it’s an awesome book that I couldn’t put down my phone! I’ve already bought the second book and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Nunn Nasty

Great fantasy book!

I have not read a book in years but finally decided to get back into it. Best book I’ve ever read. If you love the game of thrones genre then you will love this book.


Must have more!

I love the ancient world and dragons. This one has it all adventure, battles, even some mystery. A page turner!


Characters developed but plot, details flawed

This series (you can't really read just one book since they cut off in odd places) has well-developed characters, but a lot of the storytelling is flawed and takes me out of the story: the dialogue does not read like natural speech, the author knows even less about tactics and weapons than me (even I know crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, as just one example), and there are inconsistencies in the story that appear to be a lack of attention to detail. For example, in the second book, several characters prepare to travel to a remote city. After riding on horseback for hours into the night in a forest (after their torched have burned out), they are hungry but have run out of food. I don't know about you, but in a forest at night there is not enough light for me to ride on horseback. I would also know to pack more than half a day's worth of food for a multi-day trip. It is like this all the time. If inconsistencies like that don't bother you, this might just be the book you're looking for. Otherwise...


Rise of the Dragons

This was my first book but it is the start of a new love affair! On to book #2 thank you very much.


Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice

This book was fairly well written. Each character developed nicely, which makes for an easy read. Morgan developed a gradual build to a nice climax leaving me wanting more. I will be reading the next book shortly.

Deya Slade

Not a Good Read!

Please choose something else! This series is poorly written and in need of a good editor.


Rise of the dragons

I love fantasy. It is one of my favorite genres. The protagonist in this story is female and only sixteen. She strives to become a warrior in a time when only men were warriors. However, her father was the leader of the men who fought and they (all but one) seemed to take time to teach her their ways. She is fearless and finds that there are many unknowns in her life.



Can not wait to start the next book in the series,.

Susie Sagebrush

Starts well enough, then fades

The story starts interestingly enough, in spite of the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of flame walls and trolls and so on, but all the characters are made of cardboard, not flesh and blood. Physical impossibilities abound, such as running in knee-deep snow. It cannot be done! If you are in thigh-deep snow, you do not have to look down to discover this fact...your legs tell you! After about a third of the book I began to wonder if it would ever get anywhere with its alleged plot. At the end I realized it was really just a soap-opera in book form...always exciting, but utterly pointless in the long run.


The best book I have ever read!!!!

Omg I love this book so much it reminds me of myself sometimes definitely a five star book

Opal Damour

Couldn’t get past excessive commas...

I am an avid reader, I devour books, and i love the sci-fi and fantasy genre. But I couldn't get past the first few pages of this book. Im not sure if its poor editing or the author’s writing style, but every sentence seemed to have 2 to 3 commas in it. Most of them were completely unnecessary. It is totally distracting, and ruined the flow of the book. Despite being enthused that the main character seemed to be a strong woman (which I love), I gave up after the first few pages due to the offending punctuation use. Harsh, I know. But there is is.


Good story, Hard to look past grammar

I’m not typically a “grammar nazi”but this book had so many errors that I found it hard to read. The story has a good foundation and I enjoyed the character development.


Rise of the dragons

A well crafted world peopled by characters you long to know. Villains abound on both sides of the conflict setting up a wonderful complex world. A great read.

Tyler A. May

Already Loving It

I just started reading this book and I already love it, my friend would really like this book too!


Rise of the dragon

Story line was good but you need an editor other than the computer. That and filling in and revising some thin spots would make it great.


I found it worth buying the 2nd & 3rd

The story is interesting and well-told. It took a little while to become used to the sometimes abrupt changes from one character to another, but not that long. The several storylines do not mesh as of the end of book 1, but it looks like they can later in the series. The story is much better put together than the ebook. There are multiple places where words or phrases are missing or duplicated; that interrupts the story and detracts from the experience. Formatting of the text layout is iffy. Sometimes viewing in portrait mode makes the words difficult to distinguish, often simply due to how the text is placed on the screen. Changing to landscape seems to correct this, and I doubt it is an issue in print, but (again) trying to figure out word order interrupts the enjoyment of the story. The problems dealing with ebook format an layout cost a full point in my review.


Great story!!

Great book, except a couple of grammatical errors such as using the wrong personal pronouns, or forgetting about a character. Otherwise, I loved Kyra's character, loved the story, and loved the world of Escalon. I'll definately be reading the next books in this series.


Rise of the Dragons

Enjoyed my first book from this author... Fast read... Loved the characters.... Looking forward to Book2....


It was amazing

They should make actual paper copy books of his books because they are so good

Kamal b

Thoroughly enjoyed!

This book was fun and adventurous. A few corny scenes which almost made me stop; glad I didn't! Torn now between continuing the series or moving on to my fav author, terry goodkind.


great and amazing

I can't put it down and you just want to know what happens next in the book. Amazing book, Morgan



Very good book. A lot of errors


This is awful.

I assume this is meant for a much younger audience. I'd put the reading level at about 4th or 5th grade. One of the lines in this book (paraphrased): It was hot down here. Not just from all the sweating workers, but because of the streaks of lava criss-crossing the floor. One of the players was supposed to be striding across said floor at the time. Not in a hurry, either--just a leisurely stroll across the lava floor. It's been this awful since the beginning. I just kept hoping it would get better. It's gotten worse, if anything. Terrible, terrible writing. Awful. Barf.


Rise of the Dragons

Too predictable, like it was rushed and cut to sell the sequels. It reads like the first chapters of a book

Review Reviewer

Kings and Sorcerers - Rise of the Dragon

This book is okay. The online version is full of typographical errors which is distracting. It's also reminiscent of so many of this genre - it's very predictable. Even having said that, it was okay. However, I would not pay to read the rest of the series.

Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Genre : Fantasy ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Epic ,Young Adult ,Fiction ,Fantasy

“If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. In RISE OF THE DRAGONS Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of trolls and dragons, of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

The #1 Bestseller!

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: RISE OF THE DRAGONS (KINGS AND SORCERERS—Book 1).

Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is.

Just as Kyra is coming of age, the local lord comes to take her away. Her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she quests on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever.

15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the paranormal source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping, romantic saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, action, adventure, destiny, sorcery, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Book #2 in KINGS AND SORCERERS is also now available!

“RISE OF THE DRAGONS succeeds—right from the start…. A superior fantasy…It begins, as it should, with one protagonist's struggles and moves neatly into a wider circle of knights, dragons, magic and monsters, and destiny.…All the trappings of high fantasy are here, from soldiers and battles to confrontations with self….A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.”
--Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer



Excellent story!

I found once I started reading I couldn’t stop and if I did I couldn’t wait to read more.


A must read

Riveting from the very beginning. A must read.



I love it, couldn’t stop reading and now I am reading second one.


Worth the read a good book.

Good book. Have been looking for a good read for a while and am happy to say I have found one.


Good until...

I was enjoying this until it devolved into moralistic preaching.


Rise of the dragons. Morgan Rice

Good story but poorly executed. This book dreams of a good editor.


Annoyed to Amazed!!!

I the time that I was reading this book I was grounded. My mother said that I had to read a book and write a whole book report on it. I was looking through the free books and I saw the title and image of the book and I was interested. I picked this book and with an attitude I told my mom that I picked a book, she said “you better get to reading”. I was so mad but once I finished the first chapter I was glued to the book I had to finish it I told my self I was going to stop reading but I just kept on wanting to find out what happened next. This book was so interesting and I loved it. If you like fantasy then this is the book for you. The only problem I think is that the book was mainly about the girl and the dragons connection but that scene in the book didn’t come up until the very end. That’s not enough to put a star down though that’s how good this story is!!!


Good story idea, poorly written

The story line is interesting, however, there are so many typos and errors that distract readers. Not including who/what the heroine is was a mistake, just a ploy to sell the next book. Sorry, not going there.

One French Woman

Rise of the Dragons

A strong girl with plenty warrior valor. I can’t wait to read the second installment of Mr. Price’s series. It is the first book I read from this author and absolutely not the last. Freedom is worth dying for! I have dozens of similar stories about dragons and heroes, but the characters in this one are all memorable and worth knowing intimately.


Rise of the Dragons Book 1

Great book


Rise of Dragons

Good plot and character development. Very bad grammar and too repetitive with the use of same phrases over and over “for the first time” “heart slammed in chest” etc...



This was a fun story.


So bad...

Maybe someone should let George RR know that this hack completely ripped off his books. Rice’s writing may be the worst I’ve ever read. It’s like all Rice’s books were written by a high school student. The grammar and spelling are atrocious. The writing is painfully repetitive. No surprise that none were ever published on paper. How one author can keep pumping out so much garbage is mind blowing.


Rise of the dragons

Good fantasy story telling with page turning action and great characters

great great grandma





I haven’t read a fantasy novel in a long, long time. I read this in a DAY. Less than a day, really. In 10 hours. I’m in love with it. Some of the writing isn’t the best, but the storyline itself is AMAZING


Slow and rocky start but good ending

So not a fan of the repetitive language used or the statements made several times. You don’t need to explain the wall of fire keeping the trolls out four times. Also a little confusing at first when the POV changed. Was slow to pick up and most of the book didn’t have much progress which was disappointing. The plot is quite interesting though. And I do want to know what happens next so it is worth the read as far as that goes. Though I’m still trying to find out the writers justification for Leo as it feels like an easy out to protect the main character and her brother. All in all I am pretty neutral about this book so will be picking up the next in the series if only to find out what happens.


A good book

I liked this book. It was dramatic and building until the end. Only at the end it wasn’t entirely done; it’s set the beginning of the next book. I guess that’s a smart way to sell books.

Jaey Lazarus

Absolutely AMAZING!

Absolutely 5 stats on this, Morgan has outdone himself.


Good book, but SO poorly written and/or edited

I enjoyed the book, but there were so many writing errors; sometimes page after page. Seriously, I’m an avid reader. I was done with this book in less than one Sunday, but would’ve likely been through at least half of another of equal length if it weren’t for all absurd errors. That ought to tell you something. Still, I’d recommend it as a good book (& that the author have someone else proof their work).


Rise of the dragon

The most interesting book I’ve ever read and it makes me feel good in side when I read these books there awsome for kids that believe in fairy tails and I really wonder what the author was thinking when he rote this book👦🏿


Brilliant I finished in just two days

I am a stickler for fantasy and this book delivered. Heart pounding, page scrolling masterpiece. I finished the book after only two nights of reading. It ended in a way I bought the second and third book bundle immediately. A must read for anyone craving to get lost in a world of brave characters facing chaos.


Exciting read

Good story, quick read. It is full up with the cliches’ of the genre, but still has a great feel of adventure to it. Part of the female empowerment movement but still a solidly written, though poorly edited, piece. So yeah I recommend this book. Good way to kill 5 or 8 hours.


Average at best is about what to expect.

This book is ok. That’s about it. I was shocked to see this from an author that has published other books. I realize now it’s a book for young adults. Apparently that means don’t bother editing the book. I mean there are several hundred grammatical errors, mostly tense and conjugation problems. There are also a lot of errors where you can see they rewrote parts but didn’t take enough care to reread it once to find extra words and the like. It’s pretty obvious that the author never read their work through even once after scribing it. The book has no editor. If someone was paid for that job they are incompetent or criminally lazy. If you read past all that the story is just empty. Not much character development. Not much great to say about it at all. I’d say if you are over 10 years old don’t bother. If your kids are under 10, don’t let them try to learn English from this. Buy a book from someone who cares st least a little.


Best book I’ve read!

This is by far the best book I’ve read! I’ve been so immersed into it that I finished it in 3 days! Though I do have school so I read when I can. I thought the character development was very nicely laid out. I don’t know what else to say except that if you like dragons and war you’re going to love this book! Believe me, when I say it’s an awesome book that I couldn’t put down my phone! I’ve already bought the second book and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Nunn Nasty

Great fantasy book!

I have not read a book in years but finally decided to get back into it. Best book I’ve ever read. If you love the game of thrones genre then you will love this book.


Must have more!

I love the ancient world and dragons. This one has it all adventure, battles, even some mystery. A page turner!


Characters developed but plot, details flawed

This series (you can't really read just one book since they cut off in odd places) has well-developed characters, but a lot of the storytelling is flawed and takes me out of the story: the dialogue does not read like natural speech, the author knows even less about tactics and weapons than me (even I know crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, as just one example), and there are inconsistencies in the story that appear to be a lack of attention to detail. For example, in the second book, several characters prepare to travel to a remote city. After riding on horseback for hours into the night in a forest (after their torched have burned out), they are hungry but have run out of food. I don't know about you, but in a forest at night there is not enough light for me to ride on horseback. I would also know to pack more than half a day's worth of food for a multi-day trip. It is like this all the time. If inconsistencies like that don't bother you, this might just be the book you're looking for. Otherwise...


Rise of the Dragons

This was my first book but it is the start of a new love affair! On to book #2 thank you very much.


Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice

This book was fairly well written. Each character developed nicely, which makes for an easy read. Morgan developed a gradual build to a nice climax leaving me wanting more. I will be reading the next book shortly.

Deya Slade

Not a Good Read!

Please choose something else! This series is poorly written and in need of a good editor.


Rise of the dragons

I love fantasy. It is one of my favorite genres. The protagonist in this story is female and only sixteen. She strives to become a warrior in a time when only men were warriors. However, her father was the leader of the men who fought and they (all but one) seemed to take time to teach her their ways. She is fearless and finds that there are many unknowns in her life.



Can not wait to start the next book in the series,.

Susie Sagebrush

Starts well enough, then fades

The story starts interestingly enough, in spite of the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of flame walls and trolls and so on, but all the characters are made of cardboard, not flesh and blood. Physical impossibilities abound, such as running in knee-deep snow. It cannot be done! If you are in thigh-deep snow, you do not have to look down to discover this fact...your legs tell you! After about a third of the book I began to wonder if it would ever get anywhere with its alleged plot. At the end I realized it was really just a soap-opera in book form...always exciting, but utterly pointless in the long run.


The best book I have ever read!!!!

Omg I love this book so much it reminds me of myself sometimes definitely a five star book

Opal Damour

Couldn’t get past excessive commas...

I am an avid reader, I devour books, and i love the sci-fi and fantasy genre. But I couldn't get past the first few pages of this book. Im not sure if its poor editing or the author’s writing style, but every sentence seemed to have 2 to 3 commas in it. Most of them were completely unnecessary. It is totally distracting, and ruined the flow of the book. Despite being enthused that the main character seemed to be a strong woman (which I love), I gave up after the first few pages due to the offending punctuation use. Harsh, I know. But there is is.


Good story, Hard to look past grammar

I’m not typically a “grammar nazi”but this book had so many errors that I found it hard to read. The story has a good foundation and I enjoyed the character development.


Rise of the dragons

A well crafted world peopled by characters you long to know. Villains abound on both sides of the conflict setting up a wonderful complex world. A great read.

Tyler A. May

Already Loving It

I just started reading this book and I already love it, my friend would really like this book too!


Rise of the dragon

Story line was good but you need an editor other than the computer. That and filling in and revising some thin spots would make it great.


I found it worth buying the 2nd & 3rd

The story is interesting and well-told. It took a little while to become used to the sometimes abrupt changes from one character to another, but not that long. The several storylines do not mesh as of the end of book 1, but it looks like they can later in the series. The story is much better put together than the ebook. There are multiple places where words or phrases are missing or duplicated; that interrupts the story and detracts from the experience. Formatting of the text layout is iffy. Sometimes viewing in portrait mode makes the words difficult to distinguish, often simply due to how the text is placed on the screen. Changing to landscape seems to correct this, and I doubt it is an issue in print, but (again) trying to figure out word order interrupts the enjoyment of the story. The problems dealing with ebook format an layout cost a full point in my review.


Great story!!

Great book, except a couple of grammatical errors such as using the wrong personal pronouns, or forgetting about a character. Otherwise, I loved Kyra's character, loved the story, and loved the world of Escalon. I'll definately be reading the next books in this series.


Rise of the Dragons

Enjoyed my first book from this author... Fast read... Loved the characters.... Looking forward to Book2....


It was amazing

They should make actual paper copy books of his books because they are so good

Kamal b

Thoroughly enjoyed!

This book was fun and adventurous. A few corny scenes which almost made me stop; glad I didn't! Torn now between continuing the series or moving on to my fav author, terry goodkind.


great and amazing

I can't put it down and you just want to know what happens next in the book. Amazing book, Morgan



Very good book. A lot of errors


This is awful.

I assume this is meant for a much younger audience. I'd put the reading level at about 4th or 5th grade. One of the lines in this book (paraphrased): It was hot down here. Not just from all the sweating workers, but because of the streaks of lava criss-crossing the floor. One of the players was supposed to be striding across said floor at the time. Not in a hurry, either--just a leisurely stroll across the lava floor. It's been this awful since the beginning. I just kept hoping it would get better. It's gotten worse, if anything. Terrible, terrible writing. Awful. Barf.


Rise of the Dragons

Too predictable, like it was rushed and cut to sell the sequels. It reads like the first chapters of a book

Review Reviewer

Kings and Sorcerers - Rise of the Dragon

This book is okay. The online version is full of typographical errors which is distracting. It's also reminiscent of so many of this genre - it's very predictable. Even having said that, it was okay. However, I would not pay to read the rest of the series.

Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Genre : Fantasy ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Epic ,Young Adult ,Fiction ,Fantasy

“If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. In RISE OF THE DRAGONS Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of trolls and dragons, of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

The #1 Bestseller!

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: RISE OF THE DRAGONS (KINGS AND SORCERERS—Book 1).

Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is.

Just as Kyra is coming of age, the local lord comes to take her away. Her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she quests on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever.

15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the paranormal source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping, romantic saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, action, adventure, destiny, sorcery, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Book #2 in KINGS AND SORCERERS is also now available!

“RISE OF THE DRAGONS succeeds—right from the start…. A superior fantasy…It begins, as it should, with one protagonist's struggles and moves neatly into a wider circle of knights, dragons, magic and monsters, and destiny.…All the trappings of high fantasy are here, from soldiers and battles to confrontations with self….A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.”
--Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer



Excellent story!

I found once I started reading I couldn’t stop and if I did I couldn’t wait to read more.


A must read

Riveting from the very beginning. A must read.



I love it, couldn’t stop reading and now I am reading second one.


Worth the read a good book.

Good book. Have been looking for a good read for a while and am happy to say I have found one.


Good until...

I was enjoying this until it devolved into moralistic preaching.


Rise of the dragons. Morgan Rice

Good story but poorly executed. This book dreams of a good editor.


Annoyed to Amazed!!!

I the time that I was reading this book I was grounded. My mother said that I had to read a book and write a whole book report on it. I was looking through the free books and I saw the title and image of the book and I was interested. I picked this book and with an attitude I told my mom that I picked a book, she said “you better get to reading”. I was so mad but once I finished the first chapter I was glued to the book I had to finish it I told my self I was going to stop reading but I just kept on wanting to find out what happened next. This book was so interesting and I loved it. If you like fantasy then this is the book for you. The only problem I think is that the book was mainly about the girl and the dragons connection but that scene in the book didn’t come up until the very end. That’s not enough to put a star down though that’s how good this story is!!!


Good story idea, poorly written

The story line is interesting, however, there are so many typos and errors that distract readers. Not including who/what the heroine is was a mistake, just a ploy to sell the next book. Sorry, not going there.

One French Woman

Rise of the Dragons

A strong girl with plenty warrior valor. I can’t wait to read the second installment of Mr. Price’s series. It is the first book I read from this author and absolutely not the last. Freedom is worth dying for! I have dozens of similar stories about dragons and heroes, but the characters in this one are all memorable and worth knowing intimately.


Rise of the Dragons Book 1

Great book


Rise of Dragons

Good plot and character development. Very bad grammar and too repetitive with the use of same phrases over and over “for the first time” “heart slammed in chest” etc...



This was a fun story.


So bad...

Maybe someone should let George RR know that this hack completely ripped off his books. Rice’s writing may be the worst I’ve ever read. It’s like all Rice’s books were written by a high school student. The grammar and spelling are atrocious. The writing is painfully repetitive. No surprise that none were ever published on paper. How one author can keep pumping out so much garbage is mind blowing.


Rise of the dragons

Good fantasy story telling with page turning action and great characters

great great grandma





I haven’t read a fantasy novel in a long, long time. I read this in a DAY. Less than a day, really. In 10 hours. I’m in love with it. Some of the writing isn’t the best, but the storyline itself is AMAZING


Slow and rocky start but good ending

So not a fan of the repetitive language used or the statements made several times. You don’t need to explain the wall of fire keeping the trolls out four times. Also a little confusing at first when the POV changed. Was slow to pick up and most of the book didn’t have much progress which was disappointing. The plot is quite interesting though. And I do want to know what happens next so it is worth the read as far as that goes. Though I’m still trying to find out the writers justification for Leo as it feels like an easy out to protect the main character and her brother. All in all I am pretty neutral about this book so will be picking up the next in the series if only to find out what happens.


A good book

I liked this book. It was dramatic and building until the end. Only at the end it wasn’t entirely done; it’s set the beginning of the next book. I guess that’s a smart way to sell books.

Jaey Lazarus

Absolutely AMAZING!

Absolutely 5 stats on this, Morgan has outdone himself.


Good book, but SO poorly written and/or edited

I enjoyed the book, but there were so many writing errors; sometimes page after page. Seriously, I’m an avid reader. I was done with this book in less than one Sunday, but would’ve likely been through at least half of another of equal length if it weren’t for all absurd errors. That ought to tell you something. Still, I’d recommend it as a good book (& that the author have someone else proof their work).


Rise of the dragon

The most interesting book I’ve ever read and it makes me feel good in side when I read these books there awsome for kids that believe in fairy tails and I really wonder what the author was thinking when he rote this book👦🏿


Brilliant I finished in just two days

I am a stickler for fantasy and this book delivered. Heart pounding, page scrolling masterpiece. I finished the book after only two nights of reading. It ended in a way I bought the second and third book bundle immediately. A must read for anyone craving to get lost in a world of brave characters facing chaos.


Exciting read

Good story, quick read. It is full up with the cliches’ of the genre, but still has a great feel of adventure to it. Part of the female empowerment movement but still a solidly written, though poorly edited, piece. So yeah I recommend this book. Good way to kill 5 or 8 hours.


Average at best is about what to expect.

This book is ok. That’s about it. I was shocked to see this from an author that has published other books. I realize now it’s a book for young adults. Apparently that means don’t bother editing the book. I mean there are several hundred grammatical errors, mostly tense and conjugation problems. There are also a lot of errors where you can see they rewrote parts but didn’t take enough care to reread it once to find extra words and the like. It’s pretty obvious that the author never read their work through even once after scribing it. The book has no editor. If someone was paid for that job they are incompetent or criminally lazy. If you read past all that the story is just empty. Not much character development. Not much great to say about it at all. I’d say if you are over 10 years old don’t bother. If your kids are under 10, don’t let them try to learn English from this. Buy a book from someone who cares st least a little.


Best book I’ve read!

This is by far the best book I’ve read! I’ve been so immersed into it that I finished it in 3 days! Though I do have school so I read when I can. I thought the character development was very nicely laid out. I don’t know what else to say except that if you like dragons and war you’re going to love this book! Believe me, when I say it’s an awesome book that I couldn’t put down my phone! I’ve already bought the second book and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Nunn Nasty

Great fantasy book!

I have not read a book in years but finally decided to get back into it. Best book I’ve ever read. If you love the game of thrones genre then you will love this book.


Must have more!

I love the ancient world and dragons. This one has it all adventure, battles, even some mystery. A page turner!


Characters developed but plot, details flawed

This series (you can't really read just one book since they cut off in odd places) has well-developed characters, but a lot of the storytelling is flawed and takes me out of the story: the dialogue does not read like natural speech, the author knows even less about tactics and weapons than me (even I know crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, as just one example), and there are inconsistencies in the story that appear to be a lack of attention to detail. For example, in the second book, several characters prepare to travel to a remote city. After riding on horseback for hours into the night in a forest (after their torched have burned out), they are hungry but have run out of food. I don't know about you, but in a forest at night there is not enough light for me to ride on horseback. I would also know to pack more than half a day's worth of food for a multi-day trip. It is like this all the time. If inconsistencies like that don't bother you, this might just be the book you're looking for. Otherwise...


Rise of the Dragons

This was my first book but it is the start of a new love affair! On to book #2 thank you very much.


Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice

This book was fairly well written. Each character developed nicely, which makes for an easy read. Morgan developed a gradual build to a nice climax leaving me wanting more. I will be reading the next book shortly.

Deya Slade

Not a Good Read!

Please choose something else! This series is poorly written and in need of a good editor.


Rise of the dragons

I love fantasy. It is one of my favorite genres. The protagonist in this story is female and only sixteen. She strives to become a warrior in a time when only men were warriors. However, her father was the leader of the men who fought and they (all but one) seemed to take time to teach her their ways. She is fearless and finds that there are many unknowns in her life.



Can not wait to start the next book in the series,.

Susie Sagebrush

Starts well enough, then fades

The story starts interestingly enough, in spite of the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of flame walls and trolls and so on, but all the characters are made of cardboard, not flesh and blood. Physical impossibilities abound, such as running in knee-deep snow. It cannot be done! If you are in thigh-deep snow, you do not have to look down to discover this fact...your legs tell you! After about a third of the book I began to wonder if it would ever get anywhere with its alleged plot. At the end I realized it was really just a soap-opera in book form...always exciting, but utterly pointless in the long run.


The best book I have ever read!!!!

Omg I love this book so much it reminds me of myself sometimes definitely a five star book

Opal Damour

Couldn’t get past excessive commas...

I am an avid reader, I devour books, and i love the sci-fi and fantasy genre. But I couldn't get past the first few pages of this book. Im not sure if its poor editing or the author’s writing style, but every sentence seemed to have 2 to 3 commas in it. Most of them were completely unnecessary. It is totally distracting, and ruined the flow of the book. Despite being enthused that the main character seemed to be a strong woman (which I love), I gave up after the first few pages due to the offending punctuation use. Harsh, I know. But there is is.


Good story, Hard to look past grammar

I’m not typically a “grammar nazi”but this book had so many errors that I found it hard to read. The story has a good foundation and I enjoyed the character development.


Rise of the dragons

A well crafted world peopled by characters you long to know. Villains abound on both sides of the conflict setting up a wonderful complex world. A great read.

Tyler A. May

Already Loving It

I just started reading this book and I already love it, my friend would really like this book too!


Rise of the dragon

Story line was good but you need an editor other than the computer. That and filling in and revising some thin spots would make it great.


I found it worth buying the 2nd & 3rd

The story is interesting and well-told. It took a little while to become used to the sometimes abrupt changes from one character to another, but not that long. The several storylines do not mesh as of the end of book 1, but it looks like they can later in the series. The story is much better put together than the ebook. There are multiple places where words or phrases are missing or duplicated; that interrupts the story and detracts from the experience. Formatting of the text layout is iffy. Sometimes viewing in portrait mode makes the words difficult to distinguish, often simply due to how the text is placed on the screen. Changing to landscape seems to correct this, and I doubt it is an issue in print, but (again) trying to figure out word order interrupts the enjoyment of the story. The problems dealing with ebook format an layout cost a full point in my review.


Great story!!

Great book, except a couple of grammatical errors such as using the wrong personal pronouns, or forgetting about a character. Otherwise, I loved Kyra's character, loved the story, and loved the world of Escalon. I'll definately be reading the next books in this series.


Rise of the Dragons

Enjoyed my first book from this author... Fast read... Loved the characters.... Looking forward to Book2....


It was amazing

They should make actual paper copy books of his books because they are so good

Kamal b

Thoroughly enjoyed!

This book was fun and adventurous. A few corny scenes which almost made me stop; glad I didn't! Torn now between continuing the series or moving on to my fav author, terry goodkind.


great and amazing

I can't put it down and you just want to know what happens next in the book. Amazing book, Morgan



Very good book. A lot of errors


This is awful.

I assume this is meant for a much younger audience. I'd put the reading level at about 4th or 5th grade. One of the lines in this book (paraphrased): It was hot down here. Not just from all the sweating workers, but because of the streaks of lava criss-crossing the floor. One of the players was supposed to be striding across said floor at the time. Not in a hurry, either--just a leisurely stroll across the lava floor. It's been this awful since the beginning. I just kept hoping it would get better. It's gotten worse, if anything. Terrible, terrible writing. Awful. Barf.


Rise of the Dragons

Too predictable, like it was rushed and cut to sell the sequels. It reads like the first chapters of a book

Review Reviewer

Kings and Sorcerers - Rise of the Dragon

This book is okay. The online version is full of typographical errors which is distracting. It's also reminiscent of so many of this genre - it's very predictable. Even having said that, it was okay. However, I would not pay to read the rest of the series.

Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Genre : Fantasy ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Epic ,Young Adult ,Fiction ,Fantasy

“If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. In RISE OF THE DRAGONS Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of trolls and dragons, of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

The #1 Bestseller!

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: RISE OF THE DRAGONS (KINGS AND SORCERERS—Book 1).

Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is.

Just as Kyra is coming of age, the local lord comes to take her away. Her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she quests on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever.

15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the paranormal source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping, romantic saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, action, adventure, destiny, sorcery, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Book #2 in KINGS AND SORCERERS is also now available!

“RISE OF THE DRAGONS succeeds—right from the start…. A superior fantasy…It begins, as it should, with one protagonist's struggles and moves neatly into a wider circle of knights, dragons, magic and monsters, and destiny.…All the trappings of high fantasy are here, from soldiers and battles to confrontations with self….A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.”
--Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer



Excellent story!

I found once I started reading I couldn’t stop and if I did I couldn’t wait to read more.


A must read

Riveting from the very beginning. A must read.



I love it, couldn’t stop reading and now I am reading second one.


Worth the read a good book.

Good book. Have been looking for a good read for a while and am happy to say I have found one.


Good until...

I was enjoying this until it devolved into moralistic preaching.


Rise of the dragons. Morgan Rice

Good story but poorly executed. This book dreams of a good editor.


Annoyed to Amazed!!!

I the time that I was reading this book I was grounded. My mother said that I had to read a book and write a whole book report on it. I was looking through the free books and I saw the title and image of the book and I was interested. I picked this book and with an attitude I told my mom that I picked a book, she said “you better get to reading”. I was so mad but once I finished the first chapter I was glued to the book I had to finish it I told my self I was going to stop reading but I just kept on wanting to find out what happened next. This book was so interesting and I loved it. If you like fantasy then this is the book for you. The only problem I think is that the book was mainly about the girl and the dragons connection but that scene in the book didn’t come up until the very end. That’s not enough to put a star down though that’s how good this story is!!!


Good story idea, poorly written

The story line is interesting, however, there are so many typos and errors that distract readers. Not including who/what the heroine is was a mistake, just a ploy to sell the next book. Sorry, not going there.

One French Woman

Rise of the Dragons

A strong girl with plenty warrior valor. I can’t wait to read the second installment of Mr. Price’s series. It is the first book I read from this author and absolutely not the last. Freedom is worth dying for! I have dozens of similar stories about dragons and heroes, but the characters in this one are all memorable and worth knowing intimately.


Rise of the Dragons Book 1

Great book


Rise of Dragons

Good plot and character development. Very bad grammar and too repetitive with the use of same phrases over and over “for the first time” “heart slammed in chest” etc...



This was a fun story.


So bad...

Maybe someone should let George RR know that this hack completely ripped off his books. Rice’s writing may be the worst I’ve ever read. It’s like all Rice’s books were written by a high school student. The grammar and spelling are atrocious. The writing is painfully repetitive. No surprise that none were ever published on paper. How one author can keep pumping out so much garbage is mind blowing.


Rise of the dragons

Good fantasy story telling with page turning action and great characters

great great grandma





I haven’t read a fantasy novel in a long, long time. I read this in a DAY. Less than a day, really. In 10 hours. I’m in love with it. Some of the writing isn’t the best, but the storyline itself is AMAZING


Slow and rocky start but good ending

So not a fan of the repetitive language used or the statements made several times. You don’t need to explain the wall of fire keeping the trolls out four times. Also a little confusing at first when the POV changed. Was slow to pick up and most of the book didn’t have much progress which was disappointing. The plot is quite interesting though. And I do want to know what happens next so it is worth the read as far as that goes. Though I’m still trying to find out the writers justification for Leo as it feels like an easy out to protect the main character and her brother. All in all I am pretty neutral about this book so will be picking up the next in the series if only to find out what happens.


A good book

I liked this book. It was dramatic and building until the end. Only at the end it wasn’t entirely done; it’s set the beginning of the next book. I guess that’s a smart way to sell books.

Jaey Lazarus

Absolutely AMAZING!

Absolutely 5 stats on this, Morgan has outdone himself.


Good book, but SO poorly written and/or edited

I enjoyed the book, but there were so many writing errors; sometimes page after page. Seriously, I’m an avid reader. I was done with this book in less than one Sunday, but would’ve likely been through at least half of another of equal length if it weren’t for all absurd errors. That ought to tell you something. Still, I’d recommend it as a good book (& that the author have someone else proof their work).


Rise of the dragon

The most interesting book I’ve ever read and it makes me feel good in side when I read these books there awsome for kids that believe in fairy tails and I really wonder what the author was thinking when he rote this book👦🏿


Brilliant I finished in just two days

I am a stickler for fantasy and this book delivered. Heart pounding, page scrolling masterpiece. I finished the book after only two nights of reading. It ended in a way I bought the second and third book bundle immediately. A must read for anyone craving to get lost in a world of brave characters facing chaos.


Exciting read

Good story, quick read. It is full up with the cliches’ of the genre, but still has a great feel of adventure to it. Part of the female empowerment movement but still a solidly written, though poorly edited, piece. So yeah I recommend this book. Good way to kill 5 or 8 hours.


Average at best is about what to expect.

This book is ok. That’s about it. I was shocked to see this from an author that has published other books. I realize now it’s a book for young adults. Apparently that means don’t bother editing the book. I mean there are several hundred grammatical errors, mostly tense and conjugation problems. There are also a lot of errors where you can see they rewrote parts but didn’t take enough care to reread it once to find extra words and the like. It’s pretty obvious that the author never read their work through even once after scribing it. The book has no editor. If someone was paid for that job they are incompetent or criminally lazy. If you read past all that the story is just empty. Not much character development. Not much great to say about it at all. I’d say if you are over 10 years old don’t bother. If your kids are under 10, don’t let them try to learn English from this. Buy a book from someone who cares st least a little.


Best book I’ve read!

This is by far the best book I’ve read! I’ve been so immersed into it that I finished it in 3 days! Though I do have school so I read when I can. I thought the character development was very nicely laid out. I don’t know what else to say except that if you like dragons and war you’re going to love this book! Believe me, when I say it’s an awesome book that I couldn’t put down my phone! I’ve already bought the second book and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Nunn Nasty

Great fantasy book!

I have not read a book in years but finally decided to get back into it. Best book I’ve ever read. If you love the game of thrones genre then you will love this book.


Must have more!

I love the ancient world and dragons. This one has it all adventure, battles, even some mystery. A page turner!


Characters developed but plot, details flawed

This series (you can't really read just one book since they cut off in odd places) has well-developed characters, but a lot of the storytelling is flawed and takes me out of the story: the dialogue does not read like natural speech, the author knows even less about tactics and weapons than me (even I know crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, as just one example), and there are inconsistencies in the story that appear to be a lack of attention to detail. For example, in the second book, several characters prepare to travel to a remote city. After riding on horseback for hours into the night in a forest (after their torched have burned out), they are hungry but have run out of food. I don't know about you, but in a forest at night there is not enough light for me to ride on horseback. I would also know to pack more than half a day's worth of food for a multi-day trip. It is like this all the time. If inconsistencies like that don't bother you, this might just be the book you're looking for. Otherwise...


Rise of the Dragons

This was my first book but it is the start of a new love affair! On to book #2 thank you very much.


Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice

This book was fairly well written. Each character developed nicely, which makes for an easy read. Morgan developed a gradual build to a nice climax leaving me wanting more. I will be reading the next book shortly.

Deya Slade

Not a Good Read!

Please choose something else! This series is poorly written and in need of a good editor.


Rise of the dragons

I love fantasy. It is one of my favorite genres. The protagonist in this story is female and only sixteen. She strives to become a warrior in a time when only men were warriors. However, her father was the leader of the men who fought and they (all but one) seemed to take time to teach her their ways. She is fearless and finds that there are many unknowns in her life.



Can not wait to start the next book in the series,.

Susie Sagebrush

Starts well enough, then fades

The story starts interestingly enough, in spite of the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of flame walls and trolls and so on, but all the characters are made of cardboard, not flesh and blood. Physical impossibilities abound, such as running in knee-deep snow. It cannot be done! If you are in thigh-deep snow, you do not have to look down to discover this fact...your legs tell you! After about a third of the book I began to wonder if it would ever get anywhere with its alleged plot. At the end I realized it was really just a soap-opera in book form...always exciting, but utterly pointless in the long run.


The best book I have ever read!!!!

Omg I love this book so much it reminds me of myself sometimes definitely a five star book

Opal Damour

Couldn’t get past excessive commas...

I am an avid reader, I devour books, and i love the sci-fi and fantasy genre. But I couldn't get past the first few pages of this book. Im not sure if its poor editing or the author’s writing style, but every sentence seemed to have 2 to 3 commas in it. Most of them were completely unnecessary. It is totally distracting, and ruined the flow of the book. Despite being enthused that the main character seemed to be a strong woman (which I love), I gave up after the first few pages due to the offending punctuation use. Harsh, I know. But there is is.


Good story, Hard to look past grammar

I’m not typically a “grammar nazi”but this book had so many errors that I found it hard to read. The story has a good foundation and I enjoyed the character development.


Rise of the dragons

A well crafted world peopled by characters you long to know. Villains abound on both sides of the conflict setting up a wonderful complex world. A great read.

Tyler A. May

Already Loving It

I just started reading this book and I already love it, my friend would really like this book too!


Rise of the dragon

Story line was good but you need an editor other than the computer. That and filling in and revising some thin spots would make it great.


I found it worth buying the 2nd & 3rd

The story is interesting and well-told. It took a little while to become used to the sometimes abrupt changes from one character to another, but not that long. The several storylines do not mesh as of the end of book 1, but it looks like they can later in the series. The story is much better put together than the ebook. There are multiple places where words or phrases are missing or duplicated; that interrupts the story and detracts from the experience. Formatting of the text layout is iffy. Sometimes viewing in portrait mode makes the words difficult to distinguish, often simply due to how the text is placed on the screen. Changing to landscape seems to correct this, and I doubt it is an issue in print, but (again) trying to figure out word order interrupts the enjoyment of the story. The problems dealing with ebook format an layout cost a full point in my review.


Great story!!

Great book, except a couple of grammatical errors such as using the wrong personal pronouns, or forgetting about a character. Otherwise, I loved Kyra's character, loved the story, and loved the world of Escalon. I'll definately be reading the next books in this series.


Rise of the Dragons

Enjoyed my first book from this author... Fast read... Loved the characters.... Looking forward to Book2....


It was amazing

They should make actual paper copy books of his books because they are so good

Kamal b

Thoroughly enjoyed!

This book was fun and adventurous. A few corny scenes which almost made me stop; glad I didn't! Torn now between continuing the series or moving on to my fav author, terry goodkind.


great and amazing

I can't put it down and you just want to know what happens next in the book. Amazing book, Morgan



Very good book. A lot of errors


This is awful.

I assume this is meant for a much younger audience. I'd put the reading level at about 4th or 5th grade. One of the lines in this book (paraphrased): It was hot down here. Not just from all the sweating workers, but because of the streaks of lava criss-crossing the floor. One of the players was supposed to be striding across said floor at the time. Not in a hurry, either--just a leisurely stroll across the lava floor. It's been this awful since the beginning. I just kept hoping it would get better. It's gotten worse, if anything. Terrible, terrible writing. Awful. Barf.


Rise of the Dragons

Too predictable, like it was rushed and cut to sell the sequels. It reads like the first chapters of a book

Review Reviewer

Kings and Sorcerers - Rise of the Dragon

This book is okay. The online version is full of typographical errors which is distracting. It's also reminiscent of so many of this genre - it's very predictable. Even having said that, it was okay. However, I would not pay to read the rest of the series.

Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Genre : Fantasy ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Epic ,Young Adult ,Fiction ,Fantasy

“If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. In RISE OF THE DRAGONS Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of trolls and dragons, of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

The #1 Bestseller!

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: RISE OF THE DRAGONS (KINGS AND SORCERERS—Book 1).

Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is.

Just as Kyra is coming of age, the local lord comes to take her away. Her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she quests on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever.

15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the paranormal source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping, romantic saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, action, adventure, destiny, sorcery, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Book #2 in KINGS AND SORCERERS is also now available!

“RISE OF THE DRAGONS succeeds—right from the start…. A superior fantasy…It begins, as it should, with one protagonist's struggles and moves neatly into a wider circle of knights, dragons, magic and monsters, and destiny.…All the trappings of high fantasy are here, from soldiers and battles to confrontations with self….A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.”
--Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer



Excellent story!

I found once I started reading I couldn’t stop and if I did I couldn’t wait to read more.


A must read

Riveting from the very beginning. A must read.



I love it, couldn’t stop reading and now I am reading second one.


Worth the read a good book.

Good book. Have been looking for a good read for a while and am happy to say I have found one.


Good until...

I was enjoying this until it devolved into moralistic preaching.


Rise of the dragons. Morgan Rice

Good story but poorly executed. This book dreams of a good editor.


Annoyed to Amazed!!!

I the time that I was reading this book I was grounded. My mother said that I had to read a book and write a whole book report on it. I was looking through the free books and I saw the title and image of the book and I was interested. I picked this book and with an attitude I told my mom that I picked a book, she said “you better get to reading”. I was so mad but once I finished the first chapter I was glued to the book I had to finish it I told my self I was going to stop reading but I just kept on wanting to find out what happened next. This book was so interesting and I loved it. If you like fantasy then this is the book for you. The only problem I think is that the book was mainly about the girl and the dragons connection but that scene in the book didn’t come up until the very end. That’s not enough to put a star down though that’s how good this story is!!!


Good story idea, poorly written

The story line is interesting, however, there are so many typos and errors that distract readers. Not including who/what the heroine is was a mistake, just a ploy to sell the next book. Sorry, not going there.

One French Woman

Rise of the Dragons

A strong girl with plenty warrior valor. I can’t wait to read the second installment of Mr. Price’s series. It is the first book I read from this author and absolutely not the last. Freedom is worth dying for! I have dozens of similar stories about dragons and heroes, but the characters in this one are all memorable and worth knowing intimately.


Rise of the Dragons Book 1

Great book


Rise of Dragons

Good plot and character development. Very bad grammar and too repetitive with the use of same phrases over and over “for the first time” “heart slammed in chest” etc...



This was a fun story.


So bad...

Maybe someone should let George RR know that this hack completely ripped off his books. Rice’s writing may be the worst I’ve ever read. It’s like all Rice’s books were written by a high school student. The grammar and spelling are atrocious. The writing is painfully repetitive. No surprise that none were ever published on paper. How one author can keep pumping out so much garbage is mind blowing.


Rise of the dragons

Good fantasy story telling with page turning action and great characters

great great grandma





I haven’t read a fantasy novel in a long, long time. I read this in a DAY. Less than a day, really. In 10 hours. I’m in love with it. Some of the writing isn’t the best, but the storyline itself is AMAZING


Slow and rocky start but good ending

So not a fan of the repetitive language used or the statements made several times. You don’t need to explain the wall of fire keeping the trolls out four times. Also a little confusing at first when the POV changed. Was slow to pick up and most of the book didn’t have much progress which was disappointing. The plot is quite interesting though. And I do want to know what happens next so it is worth the read as far as that goes. Though I’m still trying to find out the writers justification for Leo as it feels like an easy out to protect the main character and her brother. All in all I am pretty neutral about this book so will be picking up the next in the series if only to find out what happens.


A good book

I liked this book. It was dramatic and building until the end. Only at the end it wasn’t entirely done; it’s set the beginning of the next book. I guess that’s a smart way to sell books.

Jaey Lazarus

Absolutely AMAZING!

Absolutely 5 stats on this, Morgan has outdone himself.


Good book, but SO poorly written and/or edited

I enjoyed the book, but there were so many writing errors; sometimes page after page. Seriously, I’m an avid reader. I was done with this book in less than one Sunday, but would’ve likely been through at least half of another of equal length if it weren’t for all absurd errors. That ought to tell you something. Still, I’d recommend it as a good book (& that the author have someone else proof their work).


Rise of the dragon

The most interesting book I’ve ever read and it makes me feel good in side when I read these books there awsome for kids that believe in fairy tails and I really wonder what the author was thinking when he rote this book👦🏿


Brilliant I finished in just two days

I am a stickler for fantasy and this book delivered. Heart pounding, page scrolling masterpiece. I finished the book after only two nights of reading. It ended in a way I bought the second and third book bundle immediately. A must read for anyone craving to get lost in a world of brave characters facing chaos.


Exciting read

Good story, quick read. It is full up with the cliches’ of the genre, but still has a great feel of adventure to it. Part of the female empowerment movement but still a solidly written, though poorly edited, piece. So yeah I recommend this book. Good way to kill 5 or 8 hours.


Average at best is about what to expect.

This book is ok. That’s about it. I was shocked to see this from an author that has published other books. I realize now it’s a book for young adults. Apparently that means don’t bother editing the book. I mean there are several hundred grammatical errors, mostly tense and conjugation problems. There are also a lot of errors where you can see they rewrote parts but didn’t take enough care to reread it once to find extra words and the like. It’s pretty obvious that the author never read their work through even once after scribing it. The book has no editor. If someone was paid for that job they are incompetent or criminally lazy. If you read past all that the story is just empty. Not much character development. Not much great to say about it at all. I’d say if you are over 10 years old don’t bother. If your kids are under 10, don’t let them try to learn English from this. Buy a book from someone who cares st least a little.


Best book I’ve read!

This is by far the best book I’ve read! I’ve been so immersed into it that I finished it in 3 days! Though I do have school so I read when I can. I thought the character development was very nicely laid out. I don’t know what else to say except that if you like dragons and war you’re going to love this book! Believe me, when I say it’s an awesome book that I couldn’t put down my phone! I’ve already bought the second book and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Nunn Nasty

Great fantasy book!

I have not read a book in years but finally decided to get back into it. Best book I’ve ever read. If you love the game of thrones genre then you will love this book.


Must have more!

I love the ancient world and dragons. This one has it all adventure, battles, even some mystery. A page turner!


Characters developed but plot, details flawed

This series (you can't really read just one book since they cut off in odd places) has well-developed characters, but a lot of the storytelling is flawed and takes me out of the story: the dialogue does not read like natural speech, the author knows even less about tactics and weapons than me (even I know crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, as just one example), and there are inconsistencies in the story that appear to be a lack of attention to detail. For example, in the second book, several characters prepare to travel to a remote city. After riding on horseback for hours into the night in a forest (after their torched have burned out), they are hungry but have run out of food. I don't know about you, but in a forest at night there is not enough light for me to ride on horseback. I would also know to pack more than half a day's worth of food for a multi-day trip. It is like this all the time. If inconsistencies like that don't bother you, this might just be the book you're looking for. Otherwise...


Rise of the Dragons

This was my first book but it is the start of a new love affair! On to book #2 thank you very much.


Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice

This book was fairly well written. Each character developed nicely, which makes for an easy read. Morgan developed a gradual build to a nice climax leaving me wanting more. I will be reading the next book shortly.

Deya Slade

Not a Good Read!

Please choose something else! This series is poorly written and in need of a good editor.


Rise of the dragons

I love fantasy. It is one of my favorite genres. The protagonist in this story is female and only sixteen. She strives to become a warrior in a time when only men were warriors. However, her father was the leader of the men who fought and they (all but one) seemed to take time to teach her their ways. She is fearless and finds that there are many unknowns in her life.



Can not wait to start the next book in the series,.

Susie Sagebrush

Starts well enough, then fades

The story starts interestingly enough, in spite of the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of flame walls and trolls and so on, but all the characters are made of cardboard, not flesh and blood. Physical impossibilities abound, such as running in knee-deep snow. It cannot be done! If you are in thigh-deep snow, you do not have to look down to discover this fact...your legs tell you! After about a third of the book I began to wonder if it would ever get anywhere with its alleged plot. At the end I realized it was really just a soap-opera in book form...always exciting, but utterly pointless in the long run.


The best book I have ever read!!!!

Omg I love this book so much it reminds me of myself sometimes definitely a five star book

Opal Damour

Couldn’t get past excessive commas...

I am an avid reader, I devour books, and i love the sci-fi and fantasy genre. But I couldn't get past the first few pages of this book. Im not sure if its poor editing or the author’s writing style, but every sentence seemed to have 2 to 3 commas in it. Most of them were completely unnecessary. It is totally distracting, and ruined the flow of the book. Despite being enthused that the main character seemed to be a strong woman (which I love), I gave up after the first few pages due to the offending punctuation use. Harsh, I know. But there is is.


Good story, Hard to look past grammar

I’m not typically a “grammar nazi”but this book had so many errors that I found it hard to read. The story has a good foundation and I enjoyed the character development.


Rise of the dragons

A well crafted world peopled by characters you long to know. Villains abound on both sides of the conflict setting up a wonderful complex world. A great read.

Tyler A. May

Already Loving It

I just started reading this book and I already love it, my friend would really like this book too!


Rise of the dragon

Story line was good but you need an editor other than the computer. That and filling in and revising some thin spots would make it great.


I found it worth buying the 2nd & 3rd

The story is interesting and well-told. It took a little while to become used to the sometimes abrupt changes from one character to another, but not that long. The several storylines do not mesh as of the end of book 1, but it looks like they can later in the series. The story is much better put together than the ebook. There are multiple places where words or phrases are missing or duplicated; that interrupts the story and detracts from the experience. Formatting of the text layout is iffy. Sometimes viewing in portrait mode makes the words difficult to distinguish, often simply due to how the text is placed on the screen. Changing to landscape seems to correct this, and I doubt it is an issue in print, but (again) trying to figure out word order interrupts the enjoyment of the story. The problems dealing with ebook format an layout cost a full point in my review.


Great story!!

Great book, except a couple of grammatical errors such as using the wrong personal pronouns, or forgetting about a character. Otherwise, I loved Kyra's character, loved the story, and loved the world of Escalon. I'll definately be reading the next books in this series.


Rise of the Dragons

Enjoyed my first book from this author... Fast read... Loved the characters.... Looking forward to Book2....


It was amazing

They should make actual paper copy books of his books because they are so good

Kamal b

Thoroughly enjoyed!

This book was fun and adventurous. A few corny scenes which almost made me stop; glad I didn't! Torn now between continuing the series or moving on to my fav author, terry goodkind.


great and amazing

I can't put it down and you just want to know what happens next in the book. Amazing book, Morgan



Very good book. A lot of errors


This is awful.

I assume this is meant for a much younger audience. I'd put the reading level at about 4th or 5th grade. One of the lines in this book (paraphrased): It was hot down here. Not just from all the sweating workers, but because of the streaks of lava criss-crossing the floor. One of the players was supposed to be striding across said floor at the time. Not in a hurry, either--just a leisurely stroll across the lava floor. It's been this awful since the beginning. I just kept hoping it would get better. It's gotten worse, if anything. Terrible, terrible writing. Awful. Barf.


Rise of the Dragons

Too predictable, like it was rushed and cut to sell the sequels. It reads like the first chapters of a book

Review Reviewer

Kings and Sorcerers - Rise of the Dragon

This book is okay. The online version is full of typographical errors which is distracting. It's also reminiscent of so many of this genre - it's very predictable. Even having said that, it was okay. However, I would not pay to read the rest of the series.

Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Genre : Fantasy ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Epic ,Young Adult ,Fiction ,Fantasy

“If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. In RISE OF THE DRAGONS Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of trolls and dragons, of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

The #1 Bestseller!

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: RISE OF THE DRAGONS (KINGS AND SORCERERS—Book 1).

Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is.

Just as Kyra is coming of age, the local lord comes to take her away. Her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she quests on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever.

15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the paranormal source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping, romantic saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, action, adventure, destiny, sorcery, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Book #2 in KINGS AND SORCERERS is also now available!

“RISE OF THE DRAGONS succeeds—right from the start…. A superior fantasy…It begins, as it should, with one protagonist's struggles and moves neatly into a wider circle of knights, dragons, magic and monsters, and destiny.…All the trappings of high fantasy are here, from soldiers and battles to confrontations with self….A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.”
--Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer



Excellent story!

I found once I started reading I couldn’t stop and if I did I couldn’t wait to read more.


A must read

Riveting from the very beginning. A must read.



I love it, couldn’t stop reading and now I am reading second one.


Worth the read a good book.

Good book. Have been looking for a good read for a while and am happy to say I have found one.


Good until...

I was enjoying this until it devolved into moralistic preaching.


Rise of the dragons. Morgan Rice

Good story but poorly executed. This book dreams of a good editor.


Annoyed to Amazed!!!

I the time that I was reading this book I was grounded. My mother said that I had to read a book and write a whole book report on it. I was looking through the free books and I saw the title and image of the book and I was interested. I picked this book and with an attitude I told my mom that I picked a book, she said “you better get to reading”. I was so mad but once I finished the first chapter I was glued to the book I had to finish it I told my self I was going to stop reading but I just kept on wanting to find out what happened next. This book was so interesting and I loved it. If you like fantasy then this is the book for you. The only problem I think is that the book was mainly about the girl and the dragons connection but that scene in the book didn’t come up until the very end. That’s not enough to put a star down though that’s how good this story is!!!


Good story idea, poorly written

The story line is interesting, however, there are so many typos and errors that distract readers. Not including who/what the heroine is was a mistake, just a ploy to sell the next book. Sorry, not going there.

One French Woman

Rise of the Dragons

A strong girl with plenty warrior valor. I can’t wait to read the second installment of Mr. Price’s series. It is the first book I read from this author and absolutely not the last. Freedom is worth dying for! I have dozens of similar stories about dragons and heroes, but the characters in this one are all memorable and worth knowing intimately.


Rise of the Dragons Book 1

Great book


Rise of Dragons

Good plot and character development. Very bad grammar and too repetitive with the use of same phrases over and over “for the first time” “heart slammed in chest” etc...



This was a fun story.


So bad...

Maybe someone should let George RR know that this hack completely ripped off his books. Rice’s writing may be the worst I’ve ever read. It’s like all Rice’s books were written by a high school student. The grammar and spelling are atrocious. The writing is painfully repetitive. No surprise that none were ever published on paper. How one author can keep pumping out so much garbage is mind blowing.


Rise of the dragons

Good fantasy story telling with page turning action and great characters

great great grandma





I haven’t read a fantasy novel in a long, long time. I read this in a DAY. Less than a day, really. In 10 hours. I’m in love with it. Some of the writing isn’t the best, but the storyline itself is AMAZING


Slow and rocky start but good ending

So not a fan of the repetitive language used or the statements made several times. You don’t need to explain the wall of fire keeping the trolls out four times. Also a little confusing at first when the POV changed. Was slow to pick up and most of the book didn’t have much progress which was disappointing. The plot is quite interesting though. And I do want to know what happens next so it is worth the read as far as that goes. Though I’m still trying to find out the writers justification for Leo as it feels like an easy out to protect the main character and her brother. All in all I am pretty neutral about this book so will be picking up the next in the series if only to find out what happens.


A good book

I liked this book. It was dramatic and building until the end. Only at the end it wasn’t entirely done; it’s set the beginning of the next book. I guess that’s a smart way to sell books.

Jaey Lazarus

Absolutely AMAZING!

Absolutely 5 stats on this, Morgan has outdone himself.


Good book, but SO poorly written and/or edited

I enjoyed the book, but there were so many writing errors; sometimes page after page. Seriously, I’m an avid reader. I was done with this book in less than one Sunday, but would’ve likely been through at least half of another of equal length if it weren’t for all absurd errors. That ought to tell you something. Still, I’d recommend it as a good book (& that the author have someone else proof their work).


Rise of the dragon

The most interesting book I’ve ever read and it makes me feel good in side when I read these books there awsome for kids that believe in fairy tails and I really wonder what the author was thinking when he rote this book👦🏿


Brilliant I finished in just two days

I am a stickler for fantasy and this book delivered. Heart pounding, page scrolling masterpiece. I finished the book after only two nights of reading. It ended in a way I bought the second and third book bundle immediately. A must read for anyone craving to get lost in a world of brave characters facing chaos.


Exciting read

Good story, quick read. It is full up with the cliches’ of the genre, but still has a great feel of adventure to it. Part of the female empowerment movement but still a solidly written, though poorly edited, piece. So yeah I recommend this book. Good way to kill 5 or 8 hours.


Average at best is about what to expect.

This book is ok. That’s about it. I was shocked to see this from an author that has published other books. I realize now it’s a book for young adults. Apparently that means don’t bother editing the book. I mean there are several hundred grammatical errors, mostly tense and conjugation problems. There are also a lot of errors where you can see they rewrote parts but didn’t take enough care to reread it once to find extra words and the like. It’s pretty obvious that the author never read their work through even once after scribing it. The book has no editor. If someone was paid for that job they are incompetent or criminally lazy. If you read past all that the story is just empty. Not much character development. Not much great to say about it at all. I’d say if you are over 10 years old don’t bother. If your kids are under 10, don’t let them try to learn English from this. Buy a book from someone who cares st least a little.


Best book I’ve read!

This is by far the best book I’ve read! I’ve been so immersed into it that I finished it in 3 days! Though I do have school so I read when I can. I thought the character development was very nicely laid out. I don’t know what else to say except that if you like dragons and war you’re going to love this book! Believe me, when I say it’s an awesome book that I couldn’t put down my phone! I’ve already bought the second book and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Nunn Nasty

Great fantasy book!

I have not read a book in years but finally decided to get back into it. Best book I’ve ever read. If you love the game of thrones genre then you will love this book.


Must have more!

I love the ancient world and dragons. This one has it all adventure, battles, even some mystery. A page turner!


Characters developed but plot, details flawed

This series (you can't really read just one book since they cut off in odd places) has well-developed characters, but a lot of the storytelling is flawed and takes me out of the story: the dialogue does not read like natural speech, the author knows even less about tactics and weapons than me (even I know crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, as just one example), and there are inconsistencies in the story that appear to be a lack of attention to detail. For example, in the second book, several characters prepare to travel to a remote city. After riding on horseback for hours into the night in a forest (after their torched have burned out), they are hungry but have run out of food. I don't know about you, but in a forest at night there is not enough light for me to ride on horseback. I would also know to pack more than half a day's worth of food for a multi-day trip. It is like this all the time. If inconsistencies like that don't bother you, this might just be the book you're looking for. Otherwise...


Rise of the Dragons

This was my first book but it is the start of a new love affair! On to book #2 thank you very much.


Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice

This book was fairly well written. Each character developed nicely, which makes for an easy read. Morgan developed a gradual build to a nice climax leaving me wanting more. I will be reading the next book shortly.

Deya Slade

Not a Good Read!

Please choose something else! This series is poorly written and in need of a good editor.


Rise of the dragons

I love fantasy. It is one of my favorite genres. The protagonist in this story is female and only sixteen. She strives to become a warrior in a time when only men were warriors. However, her father was the leader of the men who fought and they (all but one) seemed to take time to teach her their ways. She is fearless and finds that there are many unknowns in her life.



Can not wait to start the next book in the series,.

Susie Sagebrush

Starts well enough, then fades

The story starts interestingly enough, in spite of the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of flame walls and trolls and so on, but all the characters are made of cardboard, not flesh and blood. Physical impossibilities abound, such as running in knee-deep snow. It cannot be done! If you are in thigh-deep snow, you do not have to look down to discover this fact...your legs tell you! After about a third of the book I began to wonder if it would ever get anywhere with its alleged plot. At the end I realized it was really just a soap-opera in book form...always exciting, but utterly pointless in the long run.


The best book I have ever read!!!!

Omg I love this book so much it reminds me of myself sometimes definitely a five star book

Opal Damour

Couldn’t get past excessive commas...

I am an avid reader, I devour books, and i love the sci-fi and fantasy genre. But I couldn't get past the first few pages of this book. Im not sure if its poor editing or the author’s writing style, but every sentence seemed to have 2 to 3 commas in it. Most of them were completely unnecessary. It is totally distracting, and ruined the flow of the book. Despite being enthused that the main character seemed to be a strong woman (which I love), I gave up after the first few pages due to the offending punctuation use. Harsh, I know. But there is is.


Good story, Hard to look past grammar

I’m not typically a “grammar nazi”but this book had so many errors that I found it hard to read. The story has a good foundation and I enjoyed the character development.


Rise of the dragons

A well crafted world peopled by characters you long to know. Villains abound on both sides of the conflict setting up a wonderful complex world. A great read.

Tyler A. May

Already Loving It

I just started reading this book and I already love it, my friend would really like this book too!


Rise of the dragon

Story line was good but you need an editor other than the computer. That and filling in and revising some thin spots would make it great.


I found it worth buying the 2nd & 3rd

The story is interesting and well-told. It took a little while to become used to the sometimes abrupt changes from one character to another, but not that long. The several storylines do not mesh as of the end of book 1, but it looks like they can later in the series. The story is much better put together than the ebook. There are multiple places where words or phrases are missing or duplicated; that interrupts the story and detracts from the experience. Formatting of the text layout is iffy. Sometimes viewing in portrait mode makes the words difficult to distinguish, often simply due to how the text is placed on the screen. Changing to landscape seems to correct this, and I doubt it is an issue in print, but (again) trying to figure out word order interrupts the enjoyment of the story. The problems dealing with ebook format an layout cost a full point in my review.


Great story!!

Great book, except a couple of grammatical errors such as using the wrong personal pronouns, or forgetting about a character. Otherwise, I loved Kyra's character, loved the story, and loved the world of Escalon. I'll definately be reading the next books in this series.


Rise of the Dragons

Enjoyed my first book from this author... Fast read... Loved the characters.... Looking forward to Book2....


It was amazing

They should make actual paper copy books of his books because they are so good

Kamal b

Thoroughly enjoyed!

This book was fun and adventurous. A few corny scenes which almost made me stop; glad I didn't! Torn now between continuing the series or moving on to my fav author, terry goodkind.


great and amazing

I can't put it down and you just want to know what happens next in the book. Amazing book, Morgan



Very good book. A lot of errors


This is awful.

I assume this is meant for a much younger audience. I'd put the reading level at about 4th or 5th grade. One of the lines in this book (paraphrased): It was hot down here. Not just from all the sweating workers, but because of the streaks of lava criss-crossing the floor. One of the players was supposed to be striding across said floor at the time. Not in a hurry, either--just a leisurely stroll across the lava floor. It's been this awful since the beginning. I just kept hoping it would get better. It's gotten worse, if anything. Terrible, terrible writing. Awful. Barf.


Rise of the Dragons

Too predictable, like it was rushed and cut to sell the sequels. It reads like the first chapters of a book

Review Reviewer

Kings and Sorcerers - Rise of the Dragon

This book is okay. The online version is full of typographical errors which is distracting. It's also reminiscent of so many of this genre - it's very predictable. Even having said that, it was okay. However, I would not pay to read the rest of the series.

Downloaden Rise Of The Dragons Kings And Sorcerersbook 1 By Morgan Rice Pdf Ebook

Genre : Fantasy ,Books ,Sci-Fi & Fantasy ,Epic ,Young Adult ,Fiction ,Fantasy

“If you thought that there was no reason left for living after the end of the Sorcerer’s Ring series, you were wrong. In RISE OF THE DRAGONS Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of trolls and dragons, of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy.”
--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos

The #1 Bestseller!

From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a sweeping new epic fantasy series: RISE OF THE DRAGONS (KINGS AND SORCERERS—Book 1).

Kyra, 15, dreams of becoming a famed warrior, like her father, even though she is the only girl in a fort of boys. As she struggles to understand her special skills, her mysterious inner power, she realizes she is different than the others. But a secret is being kept from her about her birth and the prophecy surrounding her, leaving her to wonder who she really is.

Just as Kyra is coming of age, the local lord comes to take her away. Her father wants to wed her off to save her. Kyra, though, refuses, and she quests on her own, into a dangerous wood, where she encounters a wounded dragon—and ignites a series of events that will change the kingdom forever.

15 year old Alec, meanwhile, sacrifices for his brother, taking his place in the draft, and is carted off to The Flames, a wall of flames a hundred feet high that wards off the army of Trolls to the east. On the far side of the kingdom, Merk, a mercenary striving to leave behind his dark past, quests through the wood to become a Watcher of the Towers and help guard the Sword of Fire, the paranormal source of the kingdom’s power. But the Trolls want the Sword, too—and they prepare for a massive invasion that could destroy the kingdoms forever.

With its strong atmosphere and complex characters, RISE OF THE DRAGONS is a sweeping, romantic saga of knights and warriors, of kings and lords, of honor and valor, of magic, action, adventure, destiny, sorcery, monsters and dragons. It is a story of love and broken hearts, of deception, of ambition and betrayal. It is fantasy at its finest, inviting us into a world that will live with us forever, one that will appeal to all ages and genders.

Book #2 in KINGS AND SORCERERS is also now available!

“RISE OF THE DRAGONS succeeds—right from the start…. A superior fantasy…It begins, as it should, with one protagonist's struggles and moves neatly into a wider circle of knights, dragons, magic and monsters, and destiny.…All the trappings of high fantasy are here, from soldiers and battles to confrontations with self….A recommended winner for any who enjoy epic fantasy writing fueled by powerful, believable young adult protagonists.”
--Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer



Excellent story!

I found once I started reading I couldn’t stop and if I did I couldn’t wait to read more.


A must read

Riveting from the very beginning. A must read.



I love it, couldn’t stop reading and now I am reading second one.


Worth the read a good book.

Good book. Have been looking for a good read for a while and am happy to say I have found one.


Good until...

I was enjoying this until it devolved into moralistic preaching.


Rise of the dragons. Morgan Rice

Good story but poorly executed. This book dreams of a good editor.


Annoyed to Amazed!!!

I the time that I was reading this book I was grounded. My mother said that I had to read a book and write a whole book report on it. I was looking through the free books and I saw the title and image of the book and I was interested. I picked this book and with an attitude I told my mom that I picked a book, she said “you better get to reading”. I was so mad but once I finished the first chapter I was glued to the book I had to finish it I told my self I was going to stop reading but I just kept on wanting to find out what happened next. This book was so interesting and I loved it. If you like fantasy then this is the book for you. The only problem I think is that the book was mainly about the girl and the dragons connection but that scene in the book didn’t come up until the very end. That’s not enough to put a star down though that’s how good this story is!!!


Good story idea, poorly written

The story line is interesting, however, there are so many typos and errors that distract readers. Not including who/what the heroine is was a mistake, just a ploy to sell the next book. Sorry, not going there.

One French Woman

Rise of the Dragons

A strong girl with plenty warrior valor. I can’t wait to read the second installment of Mr. Price’s series. It is the first book I read from this author and absolutely not the last. Freedom is worth dying for! I have dozens of similar stories about dragons and heroes, but the characters in this one are all memorable and worth knowing intimately.


Rise of the Dragons Book 1

Great book


Rise of Dragons

Good plot and character development. Very bad grammar and too repetitive with the use of same phrases over and over “for the first time” “heart slammed in chest” etc...



This was a fun story.


So bad...

Maybe someone should let George RR know that this hack completely ripped off his books. Rice’s writing may be the worst I’ve ever read. It’s like all Rice’s books were written by a high school student. The grammar and spelling are atrocious. The writing is painfully repetitive. No surprise that none were ever published on paper. How one author can keep pumping out so much garbage is mind blowing.


Rise of the dragons

Good fantasy story telling with page turning action and great characters

great great grandma





I haven’t read a fantasy novel in a long, long time. I read this in a DAY. Less than a day, really. In 10 hours. I’m in love with it. Some of the writing isn’t the best, but the storyline itself is AMAZING


Slow and rocky start but good ending

So not a fan of the repetitive language used or the statements made several times. You don’t need to explain the wall of fire keeping the trolls out four times. Also a little confusing at first when the POV changed. Was slow to pick up and most of the book didn’t have much progress which was disappointing. The plot is quite interesting though. And I do want to know what happens next so it is worth the read as far as that goes. Though I’m still trying to find out the writers justification for Leo as it feels like an easy out to protect the main character and her brother. All in all I am pretty neutral about this book so will be picking up the next in the series if only to find out what happens.


A good book

I liked this book. It was dramatic and building until the end. Only at the end it wasn’t entirely done; it’s set the beginning of the next book. I guess that’s a smart way to sell books.

Jaey Lazarus

Absolutely AMAZING!

Absolutely 5 stats on this, Morgan has outdone himself.


Good book, but SO poorly written and/or edited

I enjoyed the book, but there were so many writing errors; sometimes page after page. Seriously, I’m an avid reader. I was done with this book in less than one Sunday, but would’ve likely been through at least half of another of equal length if it weren’t for all absurd errors. That ought to tell you something. Still, I’d recommend it as a good book (& that the author have someone else proof their work).


Rise of the dragon

The most interesting book I’ve ever read and it makes me feel good in side when I read these books there awsome for kids that believe in fairy tails and I really wonder what the author was thinking when he rote this book👦🏿


Brilliant I finished in just two days

I am a stickler for fantasy and this book delivered. Heart pounding, page scrolling masterpiece. I finished the book after only two nights of reading. It ended in a way I bought the second and third book bundle immediately. A must read for anyone craving to get lost in a world of brave characters facing chaos.


Exciting read

Good story, quick read. It is full up with the cliches’ of the genre, but still has a great feel of adventure to it. Part of the female empowerment movement but still a solidly written, though poorly edited, piece. So yeah I recommend this book. Good way to kill 5 or 8 hours.


Average at best is about what to expect.

This book is ok. That’s about it. I was shocked to see this from an author that has published other books. I realize now it’s a book for young adults. Apparently that means don’t bother editing the book. I mean there are several hundred grammatical errors, mostly tense and conjugation problems. There are also a lot of errors where you can see they rewrote parts but didn’t take enough care to reread it once to find extra words and the like. It’s pretty obvious that the author never read their work through even once after scribing it. The book has no editor. If someone was paid for that job they are incompetent or criminally lazy. If you read past all that the story is just empty. Not much character development. Not much great to say about it at all. I’d say if you are over 10 years old don’t bother. If your kids are under 10, don’t let them try to learn English from this. Buy a book from someone who cares st least a little.


Best book I’ve read!

This is by far the best book I’ve read! I’ve been so immersed into it that I finished it in 3 days! Though I do have school so I read when I can. I thought the character development was very nicely laid out. I don’t know what else to say except that if you like dragons and war you’re going to love this book! Believe me, when I say it’s an awesome book that I couldn’t put down my phone! I’ve already bought the second book and can’t wait to see what happens next!

Nunn Nasty

Great fantasy book!

I have not read a book in years but finally decided to get back into it. Best book I’ve ever read. If you love the game of thrones genre then you will love this book.


Must have more!

I love the ancient world and dragons. This one has it all adventure, battles, even some mystery. A page turner!


Characters developed but plot, details flawed

This series (you can't really read just one book since they cut off in odd places) has well-developed characters, but a lot of the storytelling is flawed and takes me out of the story: the dialogue does not read like natural speech, the author knows even less about tactics and weapons than me (even I know crossbows shoot bolts, not arrows, as just one example), and there are inconsistencies in the story that appear to be a lack of attention to detail. For example, in the second book, several characters prepare to travel to a remote city. After riding on horseback for hours into the night in a forest (after their torched have burned out), they are hungry but have run out of food. I don't know about you, but in a forest at night there is not enough light for me to ride on horseback. I would also know to pack more than half a day's worth of food for a multi-day trip. It is like this all the time. If inconsistencies like that don't bother you, this might just be the book you're looking for. Otherwise...


Rise of the Dragons

This was my first book but it is the start of a new love affair! On to book #2 thank you very much.


Rise of the Dragons by Morgan Rice

This book was fairly well written. Each character developed nicely, which makes for an easy read. Morgan developed a gradual build to a nice climax leaving me wanting more. I will be reading the next book shortly.

Deya Slade

Not a Good Read!

Please choose something else! This series is poorly written and in need of a good editor.


Rise of the dragons

I love fantasy. It is one of my favorite genres. The protagonist in this story is female and only sixteen. She strives to become a warrior in a time when only men were warriors. However, her father was the leader of the men who fought and they (all but one) seemed to take time to teach her their ways. She is fearless and finds that there are many unknowns in her life.



Can not wait to start the next book in the series,.

Susie Sagebrush

Starts well enough, then fades

The story starts interestingly enough, in spite of the fantasy mumbo-jumbo of flame walls and trolls and so on, but all the characters are made of cardboard, not flesh and blood. Physical impossibilities abound, such as running in knee-deep snow. It cannot be done! If you are in thigh-deep snow, you do not have to look down to discover this fact...your legs tell you! After about a third of the book I began to wonder if it would ever get anywhere with its alleged plot. At the end I realized it was really just a soap-opera in book form...always exciting, but utterly pointless in the long run.


The best book I have ever read!!!!

Omg I love this book so much it reminds me of myself sometimes definitely a five star book

Opal Damour

Couldn’t get past excessive commas...

I am an avid reader, I devour books, and i love the sci-fi and fantasy genre. But I couldn't get past the first few pages of this book. Im not sure if its poor editing or the author’s writing style, but every sentence seemed to have 2 to 3 commas in it. Most of them were completely unnecessary. It is totally distracting, and ruined the flow of the book. Despite being enthused that the main character seemed to be a strong woman (which I love), I gave up after the first few pages due to the offending punctuation use. Harsh, I know. But there is is.


Good story, Hard to look past grammar

I’m not typically a “grammar nazi”but this book had so many errors that I found it hard to read. The story has a good foundation and I enjoyed the character development.


Rise of the dragons

A well crafted world peopled by characters you long to know. Villains abound on both sides of the conflict setting up a wonderful complex world. A great read.

Tyler A. May

Already Loving It

I just started reading this book and I already love it, my friend would really like this book too!


Rise of the dragon

Story line was good but you need an editor other than the computer. That and filling in and revising some thin spots would make it great.


I found it worth buying the 2nd & 3rd

The story is interesting and well-told. It took a little while to become used to the sometimes abrupt changes from one character to another, but not that long. The several storylines do not mesh as of the end of book 1, but it looks like they can later in the series. The story is much better put together than the ebook. There are multiple places where words or phrases are missing or duplicated; that interrupts the story and detracts from the experience. Formatting of the text layout is iffy. Sometimes viewing in portrait mode makes the words difficult to distinguish, often simply due to how the text is placed on the screen. Changing to landscape seems to correct this, and I doubt it is an issue in print, but (again) trying to figure out word order interrupts the enjoyment of the story. The problems dealing with ebook format an layout cost a full point in my review.


Great story!!

Great book, except a couple of grammatical errors such as using the wrong personal pronouns, or forgetting about a character. Otherwise, I loved Kyra's character, loved the story, and loved the world of Escalon. I'll definately be reading the next books in this series.


Rise of the Dragons

Enjoyed my first book from this author... Fast read... Loved the characters.... Looking forward to Book2....


It was amazing

They should make actual paper copy books of his books because they are so good

Kamal b

Thoroughly enjoyed!

This book was fun and adventurous. A few corny scenes which almost made me stop; glad I didn't! Torn now between continuing the series or moving on to my fav author, terry goodkind.


great and amazing

I can't put it down and you just want to know what happens next in the book. Amazing book, Morgan



Very good book. A lot of errors


This is awful.

I assume this is meant for a much younger audience. I'd put the reading level at about 4th or 5th grade. One of the lines in this book (paraphrased): It was hot down here. Not just from all the sweating workers, but because of the streaks of lava criss-crossing the floor. One of the players was supposed to be striding across said floor at the time. Not in a hurry, either--just a leisurely stroll across the lava floor. It's been this awful since the beginning. I just kept hoping it would get better. It's gotten worse, if anything. Terrible, terrible writing. Awful. Barf.


Rise of the Dragons

Too predictable, like it was rushed and cut to sell the sequels. It reads like the first chapters of a book

Review Reviewer

Kings and Sorcerers - Rise of the Dragon

This book is okay. The online version is full of typographical errors which is distracting. It's also reminiscent of so many of this genre - it's very predictable. Even having said that, it was okay. However, I would not pay to read the rest of the series.


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